Friday, December 31, 2004

hapPy New yeAR tO alL Of yoU!!! =]

aLl tHe bEsT!!!

Thursday, December 30, 2004

他已在前天的比赛中,率先赢得长拳金牌。  翁清海是去年的世界赛冠军,早有世界刀王的称号,昨天再度封王,证实名不虚传。赛后,翁清海兴奋的说,这两枚金牌,是他提前送给自己的生日礼物。  
翁清海曾经在1993年东运会上,第一次夺得长拳金牌及剑术和棍术两枚银牌。  由于本届东运会限制每名选手只能参加两项,因此,翁清海无法寻求更多的夺标机会。问他为什么这次会选择长拳和刀术,翁清海幽默的说:“因为这两项最先举行。早一点比完,我就能够早一点轻松一下。”小学毕业后,你是不是偶尔经过学校,却一直提不起勇气走进去呢?  翁清海说:“老师都离开了,找不到借口回学校啊!" 这期,《艺人回母校》为清海制造了“借口”,让他名正言顺重返母校——裕华小学(Yu Hua Pri)。  
回到母校,清海也“返老还童”,处处流露童心。见到一群小男生尾随着我们,他忍不住躲在墙后,然后出其不意跳出来,把他们吓得拊住胸口大叫。奸技得逞,他得意地哈哈笑。  “读小学真好,每天嘻嘻哈哈,要我重读一次我也无所谓。”  
“我小时候很好动,什么运动都参加,我的强项是短跑、跳高,我是学校运动会的明星。”哗,口气好不谦虚!“我小学赢得的奖杯、奖牌,现在都还收着呢!”  清海说,他小时候个子小,老师挑选他参加跳高比赛时,根本没抱太大希望。谁知,他一跳就跳出第一名,连老师都难以置信地捏住他的脸颊不放——疼爱有加啦!  
自从四年前参加“才华横溢出新秀”,进入演艺圈后,清海便淡出体坛。曾在武术场上驰骋,夺过世界武术冠军的“刀神”,难道已决定弃武从影?  “很多人把我的工作和兴趣混淆了。”语气里难掩无奈,“演戏是我的工作,武术是我的兴趣,因为工作占去我大部分的时间,所以我不是没时间训练,就是错过比赛。” 清海吐露心中的矛盾:“以前我只要参加比赛,就有奖牌到手,所以大家都认为我夺标是应该的。不过要出赛,一定要有充足的训练,否则失败了,对不起自己事小,对不起国家事大!”  
97年被“才华”发掘后,清海接拍了第一部戏《铁血男儿》,就当男主角。当时,还处于比赛状态的他,一方面要适应演员的工作,另一方面还得为东运会备战。“我心里很焦急,觉得时间不够用,我是代表国家,我有责任拿出最好的成绩。”待剧集杀青后,清海只剩下两个月接受全职训练。皇天不负苦心人,他在赛场上,发挥最佳表现,夺下长拳和刀的两面金牌。  清海说,他曾经埋怨师兄们下班后来练武,个个倦容满面,提不起劲,现在自己到社会上工作,他才明白他们的力不从心。“偏偏我的休息时间,总是碰不到比赛……”他喃喃地说道。到少林寺拍戏新剧《谁与争锋》多少弥补了清海的遗憾。他不仅可以在剧中大展身手,刀、枪、剑、棍轮流上阵,连求学时掌握的舞狮技艺,也派上了用场。“很少人知道我会舞狮,而且还拿过全国赛冠军。我11岁就加入学校的舞狮队,我是在舞狮队里开始练武术的。”从此,武术便成了清海生命中不可或缺的重要部分。  
“有时导演已经说good take,我还会要求重来,因为我希望做得更好。我的个性是,要流完最后一滴汗,这是我当运动员时培养出来的。我记得我的教练曾说过,他不怕我不练,只怕我练过度。”他对自己的固执笑了。   
Unexpectedly,reading vivian's blog,feel heart ache.....
So-call birthday,just a day of's a normal day.Don't mind too much...
high hope,just bring high disappoint.after alL.
That's alL.
what presents i received in my birthday this yr??...
2 photo frames and 1 btdy card.
also got some sincerely blessings from friends there...
v thankfully....=]
5 of them remembeR tt date just enough...
and besides,there was a silence welcome me when i reached home alone.
as usual...
At night,my parents come back,mum said happy birthday,dad nodded at me.
i replied:thank you!
another normal day passed.
though Object can't represent my true feeling they gave me,
i still nedd it 2 prove friendship...
juz be'coz hate myself i don't know what they R actually thinking....
torn 2 piece,4 piece,16 piece...
Now,i was happy.
At least im lucky 2 know i still alive in this world,with or without blabla.....
high hope,high disappoint.
i'm cold.

Wednesday, December 29, 2004

i have been accepted admission for the Nitec Multimedia Technology program at MacPherson campus!!
feel great!
my first Choice!
two years!
It's just a begining!
go poly,it's time to work fucking hard.
B said.
thank you SO much!!!
trust me,
i'll do.
i promise!

Tuesday, December 28, 2004

yesterday when i cleaned my room with mum for the coming new year....she all of a sudden asked me with an innocent smile tt how many presents i received this year?... i turned up head from busyness and looked into her eyes,replied:'i got many.'....each time i scare she would ask me some questions eg.present,cOz im a failure....but sometimes the more you avoid something,the more you would face it soon....she was happy for me and asked without a bad intention:'Where are they?give me see a while.den which friend they are?Have you gave them their present??'....
i smiled:'ya....haha,they v happy they have a great friend lK me....',and passed a present jas gave me to her,that one which gt my name inside..only one i can find......
'oh.....em...nt bad...em...else?'
'em..oh,.i ate finish already.....haha..'i kept smile....but deep inside i have didn't know where was i at that moment....
'hai~~u this child...never think of friend forget me...hai.....well,what presents are they??'mum sighed at me with joke...
'haha....chocolate lo something lk that...many fav la they gave...such as,******...haha...'i imagined all chocolate fav i know in mind and told her at once,smiling....oh,as long as my mum feel relief,i don't mind whatever lies i say...being a daughter,i really don't want my mother see me sad on face or what....i can't!!!...have to be happy,have to!!!!!!!
' present le..haha...happy la hOr you this longer feel alone?? childish!...haha....but don't forget next time leave some for me!,ok??'.........mum want me happy,while i want to see her happy..........haha....ya,won't alone anymore,i still have my mum at my side,fOreveR!!!!!! *I LOVE YOU,MA!!!!

Sunday, December 26, 2004

at home.

Saturday, December 25, 2004

From the very Begining, the girl's family objected strongly on her dating this guy. Saying that it has got to do with family background,& that the girl will have to suffer for the rest of her life if she were to be with him.
Due to family's pressure, the couple quarrel very often. Though the girl love the guy deeply, but she always ask him: "How deep is your love for me?"
As the guy is not good with his words, this often cause the girl to be very upset. With that & the family's pressure, the girl often vent her anger on him. As for him, he only endure it in silence.
After a couple of years, the guy finally graduated & decided to further his studies in overseas.Before leaving, he proposed to the girl: "I'm not very good with words. But all I know is that I love you. If you allow me, I will take care of you for the rest of my life. As for your family, I'll try my best to talk them round. Will you marry me?"
The girl agreed, & with the guy's determination,the family finally gave in & agreed to let them get married. So before he leave, they got engaged.
The girl went out to the working society,whereas the guy was overseas, continuing his studies.They sent their love through emails & phone calls.Though it's hard, but both never thought of giving up.
One day, while the girl was on her way to work,she was knocked down by a car that lostcontrol. When she woke up, she saw her parents beside her bed. She realised that she was badly injured.Seeing her mum crying, she wanted to comfort her.But she realized that all that couldcome out of her mouth was just a sigh. She has lost her voice......
The doctors says that the impact on her brainhas caused her to lose her voice. Listening to her parents' comfort, but with nothing coming out from her, she broke down.
During the stay in hospital, besides silencecry,'s still just silence cry thatcompanied her. Upon reaching home, everything seems to be the same. Except for the ringing tone of the phone. Which pierced into her heart everytime it rang. She does not wish to let the guy know. & not wanting to be a burden to him,she wrote a letter to him saying that she does not wish to wait anylonger.
With that, she sent the ring back to him. Inreturn, the guy sent millions & millions of reply,and countless of phonecalls,.. all the girl could do, besides crying, is still crying....
The parents decided to move away, hoping that she could eventually forget everything & be happy.
With a new environment, the girl learn signlanguage & started a new life. Telling herselfeveryday that she must forget the guy. One day,her friend came & told her that he's back. She asked her friend not to let him know whathappened to her. Since then, there wasn'tanymore news of him.
A year has passed & her friend came with anenvelope, containing an invitation card for theguy's wedding. The girl was shattered. Whenshe open the letter, she saw her name in it instead.
When she was about to ask her friend what'sgoing on, she saw the guy standing in front of her. He used sign language telling her "I've spent a year's time to learn sign language. Just to let you know that I've not forgotten our promise. Let me have the chance to be your voice. I Love You.With that, he slipped the ring back into herfinger.The girl finally smiled.

OHMYGODNESS!!!!!!!!!!....sO ToUcH man...hehe....feel so hard to look for a people,whether man or woman,being as same as him in this world!!hai~~~~~so ke xi!!.it's juz a story...if i were him,if i were him.....hai...would i still love tt girl deeply as usual?? know?? knows?? no matter what happen,so hope tt social life don't change me too mUch 2 say:'i love you'...=D
momeries~~ 我的记忆

MeRrY cHrIsTmAs To AlL oF mY fRiEnDz!!!!! haha....happynEss!!!! neveR eVeR sAy GiVe Up!!!!!=}

Friday, December 24, 2004

what is my purpose 2 approach them? .....status?wealth?mOney?aUthOrity??......what a stuPid question!!!??....the Purpose of make SINGAPOREAN aS friend?????!!......Why i cant say just fOr i want a true friend??'cOz this purpose is too stupid??....If i just want to use them,y would i still so stupid 2 give them present before i leave?? used them juz i own nvr relise??...idon'tknowidon'tknow.....DON'T Scold me again!!!!!I cant stand it anymOre!!!!!...u're such idiot like that.... $#$#%$%$#%$#&*$^%#

wEll,yesterday i nvR go 2 class chalet with @..dunO in the end if she gt go alone ant??.....haha,i'm sorry, accompany i spent time 2 look out for two suit reason tell u de la...firstly,it was too late 2 go out for me;secondly,i have no money 2 pay $10 already..hahha.....all Lame one.....hahaha.....hope u will believe....haha.....OH,im sorry! =D

Just now xiaoting called me and said tt i can go to parkaway 2 take my present she brought at 4pm.....den i call back,reply her i lazy if v da pai.....

nO mOre else.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

hahaha..... 有人说:“付出就不要期望回报。这就是人生。这样做人才可以快乐,一辈子。”hahaha.....this time i realLy start believE it....No,mUst bE!!
有时候很奇怪,人与人之间,为什么总是隐瞒这个隐瞒那个,心口不一,反反覆覆就是在自寻烦恼。。. 很多东西不明白,问清楚不就好??。。。。=p.....hUmmmmmm.....but honestly,it's v hard 2 open month!!! haha....

Wednesday, December 22, 2004

anyone of us (gareth gates)
i've been letting you down, down
girl i know i've been such a fool
giving into temptation
i should have played it cool
the situation got out of hand
i hope you understand
it can happen to anyone of us
anyone you think of
anyone can fall
anyone can hurt someone they love
hearts will break
cos i made a stupid mistak
esay you will forgive me
anyone can fail
say you will believe me
i can't escape
my heart will break
cause i made a stupid mistake
she was kind of exciting
a little crazy
i should have known
she must have altered my senses
as i offered to walk her home
she means nothing to me
nothing to me
i swear every word is true
i don't wanna lose you
love is all around (wet wet wet)
i feel it in my fingers,
i feel it in my toes
love is all around me and so the feeling grows
it's written on the wind,
it's everywhere i go
so if you really love me, come on and let it show
you know i love you i always will
my mind's made up by the way that i feel
there's no beginning, there'll be no end
'cause on my love you can depend
i see your face before me, as i lay on my bed
i kinda get to thinking of all the things we said
you gave a promise to me, and i gave mine to you
i need someone beside me in everything i do
Last thing,Let Me dO last thing fOr U... tHeSe songs,I know U know what these songs aRe....gO LoOk 4 them and paste here,jUst want 2 telL U tt there r ThrEe QuItE sTuPiD wOrD in my heart:I lOvE yOu! *** OK,what elSe can i say Lei??...Oh,if i find wRongly,jUst close one eye,open one eye hOr,Don't tOo serious lO cause hOw i know what sOng u realLy like la??!!!!!....=p.... its impossible i paste all songs here let u go choose ba??!!!!.....haha...=p

ate alot alot alot alot alot inside!!!!!!!!!! Feel want tO b3 backwaRd and have nO urge 2 make progresS......ok,nvm,time would pass v fast....i can waiT!!!! i wOuld wait tilL fulfiL it mYsElf !!!!!....mUsT b3!!! 2 y3Ars OnlY,waIt 4 m3 TwO yRs,can??....

Tuesday, December 21, 2004


PLUS:hahahhahahaHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA......forget it.... 我想通了啦!!!!哈哈哈。。至少以前和朋友在一起时我很快乐过。that's enough!!! 那些快乐不是我一个人的, be'cOz 所有人付出过,让我开心起来的是她们,cheer me up,所以我不可以这么自私,自己伤心难过。。。我真正该说的是感激。。。 哈哈哈。。。我变聪明了吧?!。*WinK*(^^,) ThAnKs SooooO MuCh!!!!...realLy!

Monday, December 20, 2004

Forget Me
Don't go around talkin' to your friends about me

Bury the past, just let it rest in peace
Leave well enough alone
Treat me like someone you've never known

Forget me
Like you forgot to come home at night
Forget me
Like you forgot to hold me tight
(Well) now you're sorry, now you cry
But don't you wipe those tears
'Til your memories run dry
forget me
Don't let the lonely days remind you of anything

Oh baby try to erase the fact we had everything
No you can't come back this time
So let me slip right out of your mind
Please forget me

'Cause I forgot to forgive and forget
So just pretend we never met

Baby, please forget me
please!!!!! there is a new life waiting for u,
I cannot stand tt i have lost u
go to Simei listen tt schedule for info Talks....den applied for 4 courses there....dunt mind what course i chose,juz want 2 come in simei here!.....afte r that v funny,when i listened lesson on de half way,i walked out of LT....see and walk around,den juz lost my way there.....haha......stUpid onE!!!!!...haha......

Saturday, December 18, 2004

come to Jas house and discuss my course one....then chatted with @ in MSN.....she so sweet!!...ya,thankz!!!!....=].....i wrote down all my courses 2 her email add there in order 2 ask her 2 choose one suit 4 if it's her business.....hehe.....den gt xiaoting called me in hp and asked what am i doing...haha...really touch...feel as if finally gt friend remember and take good care of me.....=p....haha...sorry,maybe forget something,im blur one... spent much time 2 discuss with her my course one.... ..=]......FrIEnDz,thankz sOoo mUch!!!....lOvE yA!!!!!!..........
but leave me alone right reason...juz leave...hehe....

Friday, December 17, 2004

always feeling like something 患得患失。。。。OH,never mind,never mind!!!everything would be Okay sOon......i will be happy again!!!=]

yesterday night put radiO beside me and sat spending whole night 2 listen la......fall asleep at 11pm.....becOz can't stand to awake also chat with jas for few minutez only.....

.hate 2 receive a short msg from friendz there....but...haiyO.....xiaoting msg ppl anyhow always lk a announcement ....................-_-""".....cold sound,cold emotion,cold punctuation marks...cold to siaO lah!!!!!...haha.....forget it....hai,dear,i really don't know how 2 say you already.....handphone conversation does not a face-to -face conversation that can go through ur expression 2 understand what ur true mean alright......hai......okok....i shut up!!

later go 2 take fast today coming...start from tml i have 2 apply for *** there's no time 2 lend me play here play there anymore....=p.....hOpe can pasS!!!!!!! life cannt live without friendz siA......=p.....joke joke.....don't scare.....just say say one!!!!...haha

GoOd LuCk!!! u R tHe BeSt!!!!

Thursday, December 16, 2004

1 days you nervous for coming result?? answer is NO.really.....dunO y......hai

Wednesday, December 15, 2004

blOod type: A+AB=O?? possible?????????????///.......

Tuesday, December 14, 2004

FF8. <Eyes on me>:

Whenever sang my songs
On the stage,on my own
Whenever said my words
Whishing they would be heard
I saw you smiling at me
Was it real or just my fantasy
You'd always be there in the corner
Of this tiny little bar

My last night here for you
Same old songs,just once more
My last night here with You ?
Maybe yes,maybe no
I kind of liked it you're your way
How you shyly placed your eyes on me
Oh,did you ever know ?
That I had mine on you

Darling,so there you are
With that look on your face
As if you're never hurt
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then
I will know that you are no dreamer

So let me come to you
Close as I wanted to be
Close enough for me
To feel your heart beating fast
And stay there as I whisper
How I loved your peaceful eyes on me
Did you ever know
That I had mine on you

Dailing,so share with me
Your love if you have enough
Your tears if you're holding back
Or pain if that's what it is
How can I let you know
I'm more than the dress and the voice
Just reach me out then
You will know that you're not dreaming

Darling,so there you are
With that look on your face
As if you're never hurt
As if you're never down
Shall I be the one for you
Who pinches you softly but sure
If frown is shown then
I will know that you are no dreamer
suppose 2 meet up xiaoting at 1pm....den later she said tt called cynstina, joanna and xue come together as well already....i start feel lazy le....four of them go shopping and walking around,two by two juz balance,where am i??..keep follow behind?...honestly i don't want...haha.....

Monday, December 13, 2004

..........really really piss off..........
wait till sO long,bt in the end i don't knOw anything instead still waiting fOr others told me...
fOrg3t it
弦歌寄意主持人收,P.O.BOX 933, SINGAPORE 912899

Sunday, December 12, 2004

人性是腐烂的。而我,却是连那些腐烂的心的人也看不起的人。shame on being a human being. 觉得我的心真的已经冷了, 对 于 人,心 灰 意 冷。。。以前小孩子之间的吵闹然后口无遮拦的出口伤人,可以美其名曰:童言无稽。因为孩子还小,不懂事。然后孩子上了学,有了知识与文盲不再挂钩时,还是常常乐于在别人背后'暗箭伤人’,谈吐粗俗,出卖朋友,不懂敬老尊贤,何故??古曰:人之初,性本善。所以也罢,就暂视为'家教不严’,全是父母的错好了。可能因为学校里的学生还没有长大,心智还没有成熟,不懂得谦让和包容。。。
于是等等等,现在,我终于出社会了,以为成人之间一定可以得到应有的尊敬和礼貌,因为所谓的成人代表已经经历沧桑,思想成熟什么世事都看通了的人,不会大惊小怪,不再三姑六婆, 道人是非。。。结果。。 竟更是变本加厉!。。。 说什么人长大就会懂事,全是屁话。自私自利,舍人利己,什么教养也没有,完全是一群猪狗不如的畜生!猪狗还真是可怜,莫名其妙被拿来跟人作比较。
有能力的被人妒忌,有实力的被拿来比较,永远不会想自己有没有错!!!人前不敢说话,永远只会在背后磨牙咧齿诅咒人。 小人!!! 所 以。。。。
人与人自相残杀,做人做到这种程度,真的是很失败。看到他们,我好像看到年老的自己,从孩子 到学生,从学生到职员,懂事不懂事懂事不懂事,恶性循环。活了一辈子,恨了一辈子,到最后还是回到了原点像一个不懂事的孩子一样永远童言无稽。我真的很累去做一个人。

什 么 是 权 威?? 我 迷 惑。

Friday, December 10, 2004

今天JC良心发现,把我调去别的office 做事,paper work something..一开始以为她哪有这么好所以我说不定又要受苦了,可最后知道我和另外3个新调去的竟然是最幸运的人。因为听说我原来label 的朋友被Supervisor骂到很惨不忍睹。。。而我们4个万幸逃过一截!!! OH,my god,too happy 2 believe tt all of us were just sitting in office,no standing,chatting and making jokez whole day no ppl asked us 2 work anything!!!.....WoW!!!!so wonderful!!!!.... 一天只要坐在一起摆美聊天就可以赚到$40。。。。hahahaha!!!!!。。。

And,今天和我一起的3ppl, 2个本来就是朋友,另一个就是ah-lian with a head of gold one....starting i sat away alone lk a id***,den forgot when we juz started chatting and gt a long conversation till over...... 记得好像是起源于我问Jasmine一句:‘ 你是怎么保养皮肤啊??’。。。。=p.......even though Jasmine looks lk more Ah-lian than A-mei,i like Jasmine better cOz her character actually not bad,as if v fierce at times but inside dame friendly one...i felt la.... den we sat together during lunch time...after tt,2 of them went 2 outside smoking,A-mei's friend and me just standed beside and accompanied them...but lata i really cannt stand it anymore and told Jasmine i go first coz i feel sensitive 4 smoke at timez...unexpectedly,she asked me wait a while and THEN putted out fire on her hand immediately!!!!!!!!!!!!!.....feel a bit extremely flattered and sorry as well!!..... 受 宠 若 惊。。。。。 my gOd....*wink*

Thursday, December 09, 2004

my department,Label, is under JC....the most mean Fuk i eveR seen!!!!!....whateveR mistakez she made is big or small,she must would push far away as fast as possible,or shift the blame to somebody else!!!!!!.... 卑鄙!!!十足的小人一个!!缩头乌龟!!!! Today so shUcksssss..... Y i must still stay back in this company???....paid $6 to office thanks 2 her!!!!!!.... 推 卸 责 任,being一个管工就可以自以为是?争锋夺利,欺善怕恶,唯命是从的对上司像一只哈巴狗一样摇尾巴。。。is a leader always like that in social??..NO!!I DON'T BELIEVE! I CANNT ACCEPT!。。。what is power?what is leadership??how to be a perfect leader that every worker under her would feel safe and respect her from the bottom of heart????????!!!.....tell me!!!!shOw me....

Ayh...anyway find there is a msg thing going around today,it said abt today is World's Best Friend,asking me 2 send it 2 eight friendz,my best friendz 1... den i start thinking of friendz....den i replied Denise tt does best friend mean there is 1 only in someone's heart...she laughed and agreed with me.....hehe....den tt's why i forward it and sent 2 one ppl only.haha.....

yesterday felt cold 2 today i wear double 2 work,but in the end 全身还是都一直在发抖,不知道为什么。。。maybe tt air-con turn lower 2 max coz know i have weared double.... bu hao god....i would become ice-cream soOn if everyday lk that 啦!!!!!!!

Wednesday, December 08, 2004

i am happy!! really happy!!! Everything will be okay soOn i know.something missing,something gt gain,and finally i straighten out my mind..... Silly!!!!....Old enough but still believe some stupid thingz...hai....hehe......i will be fine...i have become fine already!...ya......

Monday, December 06, 2004

went out with xiaoting after work..reached home saw xt left me a msg abt our meet changed 2 gt enough time 2 take a rest on my lazy sia.....haha....den gt alot of laughter on our way...very happy....butde most upsetest thing was she said she has ate with Meili before already so no matter what i begged she just keeped refusing 2 eat a romatic meal with me....haha....den no idea i just brought something else 4 her bring home....even though she said she liked them so much,(haha,nO lah...)dunO its true ant...haha.....xiaoting,whenever u eat finish them,pls remember you have a v gd ad sweet friend lk me,ok?love me,ok??...haha......we walked around till 7pm.brought O'lay Total Effects,$22.50, and a box of Redoxon with 30 tablests,$13.5...... 零 零 碎 碎 加 起 来,1.5+10.5+2.4+13.5+22.5+2=52.4 onli...juz 2 days 2 hours plus half....nO wonder can keep so relax...spend pay is one of way 2 feel relax at times....=]

Sunday, December 05, 2004

gt pay list of this half month today. feel nothing already. who believe im the second higher one among those friendz!!!.THE HIGHEST ONE is Suhua,$792!!!! she definately is a really crazy gal,we really don't know what word can decribe her already!everyday notice she looks sick and feel her hands so cold when she touched me awhile one time,ad said feeling unwell is her self but next day still gt see her come working!!!! haiz...hehe....dunnO sO hard 4 what?!!!!!......still young one and a student..... -_-'''...Then my daddy seemed v glad tt i havnt quit job yet,while ma asked me dunt be 22 crazy one. afterwards when i told her tt how much Suhua's salaries tk,she juz no wordz out anymore. hehe. everytime i took $ out of bank give parentz,everytime i would feel relax a bit and reduce a sense of sorry for them!!!!......

suppose 2 meet xt go eat tml.cannt wait!!!...=].....!!!!!!!! hUgzZZZZZZ

going 2 sleep work so tired! haha.c ya. gd nightz!!!!

Saturday, December 04, 2004

dunnO y my comment from Ka cannt show in de blog.......qi si le la.....

Ka: 。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。i speechless!...okok,i have become v pOor these days cOz i have spent finish my all salaries already,sO i,needless to say,am too destitute 2 return ur meal all right.....unable 2 treat le,as u want le ba................ya,haha,even though u start hate me 4 breaking my promise also no use already!!!!....u take caRe,tOo!....haha..=]

come back!!..*i really miss those days i loved u sO.*

上班的时候突然回忆起很多往事,好像电影倒带再重播一样。我除了说时间已经一去不复返了,还可以说什么呢??那些日子呀,真的似梦境一样太幸福了!!!为什么我竟没有好好珍惜 它???????分开的朋友现在真的再也杳无音讯。人海茫茫!!正如KA一个MSG所说的,friendz are like balloons,Once you let them go,You can never bring them back.....
张 莉 莉,整整4年的小学朋友, 曾经是如漆如胶的我们,现在竟已像两个世界的人一样 ,各占天涯一方,从此自扫门前雪。已经6年没有见面 !!!!6 年 了!!!!!
李 平和卢 啸 峰就不提了,朋友以上关系的朋友,伤心过的人,时间再长也是昙花一现。
李 晓 凤, 后 钰 婷, 许 庆 菲。 我 最 好 的 朋 友, 当 时。
现在终于相信时间有时真的可以淡忘很多回忆。甚至可以让另一个人取代模糊的位子。现在我所有的记忆竟已经全是现在的朋友 的时光! 无论快乐还是悲伤。呵呵,一直在回忆和KA and XT同桌的日子。哈 哈。。。真的很幸福呀!即使是静静额坐在她们身边听她们说话也会感觉自己很快乐。我一直会听KA所说的每一句话,有时即使正在和XT or JAS说话,as long as她 在我旁边开口,我就会条件反射的停下所有动作听她说什么。 为此XT还对我生气了很久很久,can feel差点就要和我绝交了。。。 哈哈。。。幸好幸好她大人不计小人过,忘记了。哈哈。。=p。。。不过,从此以后真的第一次知道我自己竟然会在乎一个人到这种程度。。。。。。。。 在想,如果真的每个人都可以被代替,那么难道我真的会有一天忘记她们,就像张莉莉一样吗,就像KA所说的???我 不 要!!!再一个6年我就老了,真的老了! 唉。。。 呵呵呵。。。哈哈。。。as if i think too much,maybe.

Friday, December 03, 2004

Ka: i won't spend my salaries too sure i would save some enough 2 treat u de....haha....jkjk.... thanks soooo much ur caring,darling!!!!!!! ^*LoVe yA*....i really can understand what u mean behind each words u reminded...^^,.....*hUgZzzzzzz ya+..howeveR i cant break my promise myself...hehe... by de way,when u gt free??

these day feel v unwell...dunO y....juz feel from ok,my family fine,everything is ok as i juz still feel sick,den when i unable 2 find reason,it make me sick more....during my work time in de morn around 10am,my heart beatED heavily all of a sudden....v pain 2 make me breath 2 normal.......doubt if there is something wrong with my ppl or friendz??............i don't know...sO all i can say is TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!!!!!!MUST.