Thursday, July 15, 2004

It's rain heavily in the early morning...darkness...a storm made my whole-length uniform wet completely...never left a dry place for me...haha...cold and full of smelly in the classroom...ha...but duno why i still felt very excited today...always put a smile on the's a new nice day for me,after have to smile always can...hehe...anyway,Xt said the way i walked in the rain looked like v ugly when she waited in the busstop and saw it?...haha...okok,i will pay attention to the way i walk in the future,i promise U...haha,i hui gai de....ok?haha
Ya,found A really started to ignore me these many times already he turned his face away coldly as we bumped into each other?...countless le ba...just remember had have got 3 days-passed...3 days already...Eee...what can i describe my feeling correctly now???.haha...actually never mind lah,just feel a little bit sad and very strange doubt just suddenly stop conversation quietly...hehe...okok...haiyO...i gone...haha...

dear @ and friends,don't think too much upon what i wrote here,ok?hahaha....just type out alright...nothing actually you all know de...haha...Kk...have a nice day!!! have to study,workhard!!!lOvE yA!!!

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