Friday, July 23, 2004

Haha,what a funny gur like Xt!! she suddenly called me around 5.20pm and asked wether i dislike her.... how come i would dislike her?...haha....first time to realise tt she is a such sensitive girl not i expect... always thought she couldn't care for what did her friends say de.haha.....okok,i made a seriously mistake can?....i'm  sorry for the way i treated,
xiaoting,hehe....dunt think 22 much can?all i can say is forgive me...its not worth 4 u i guess...cheer up...have 2 state tt i'm v surprised tt u would care our friendship such too much...v shocked tt u would be upset upon me as
well...haix...hehe...happy4ever,friend...haha....nxt time i treat u also la...k?.....hahaha......lOve yA...

sOihave2mOveOn.nO else.

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