Friday, October 14, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005

I. Realise there are too many feeling can't be decribed,esp showing in front Of people...
II. I have learnt keeping worries inside,nO longer complain tO people. Even though everyOne has ear to listen,but they don't have heart to understand. Why? Since they have their own worries eagerly waiting for others to listen them as welL... sO that's y i definately nO face tO trouble anyOne again because i seldom listened to them before as well. What i can do is,i must take it easy to the end! For good! haha.
III. Speak to wall easier than tallk tO ppl. really la. No harm to both,at least.
IV. I become quiter more. There have being countless times in class PeiRong asked me y am i so quite juz sit there staring PC. But honestly i don't hate who am i today. i even like it. Feeling relax and peaceful. No need to joy each Other or care others feeling...juz do what i want to do.....
IIV. I think i really improve alot. i mean deep inside. At least loneliness unable to hurt me easily again. Yes,I am quiter now,but what's difference between old and recent me is i didn't know how to talk but now reason is my mouth don't want to open. Oops. =].
Stay happy foreveRR!!
I miss 5 Of yOu!! Really! =]14/7/2005
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Anyway, When i thOught everything endED in a dark way,she said she treats me as her BEST friend! Me Only and Only Me! I'm DIFFERENT for her!! YES!! Feeling is sO greatful!! I believe she reaLly mean iT. I BELIEVE!!! =] Even if nOthing will be same again,If bOth of us treatsure each other WELL den E histroy doesn't matter anymore,I dOn't believE we cannOt b3 friend again!!! Haha. Our Friendship must becOme mOre greater than we used to be'cOz the pain i experienced taught me hOw to be be more Understanding & tc of fri3nd's sOUl in heart!!
Everything is Okay In The End...
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Till now i start 2 realise tt i created this blog maybe really is a correct way to record e past,whatever happy or pain,they're precious 4 me, forever. haha.
Thank You!
Friday, September 23, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Friday, September 09, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005

Firelight, it's a kind of magic.
Firelight makes time stand still.
When you put out the lamps and sit in the firelight's glow,there aren't any rules any more.You can do what you want,say what you want,be what you want.
And when the lamp is lit again,time starts again.
And everything you said or did is forgotten.
More than forgotten,it never happened.
Neven appear again. NeveR.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Those damn long complaints r troublesome,i think short cut to summary as Commemoration juz enough Liao. haha.. Regrade complaint as commemoration,haha,im so lame.
( I ) Whenever think of how sad my 18th birthday Eve is, i would believe there is retribution exist in this world.
( III ) Let me telL you sumthing,T,i won't starve to death without her returning. But it's terrible sUx tt she gave me an excuse explaining tt she's no money be'coz she juz back from Kbox . After play here play there buy this buy that den telL me im sorry no money anymore. And you even think she's right! .... = ="". Admire U.
WelL. CalL me 'STUPID'. I need to fan sheng. hehe. That's alL.
Tuesday, August 23, 2005
Afternoon Yuting gave me a big surprise and callED me. She said she found a job with a good paid. $4000 per month. Den blablabla. Ending she told me she found her BF has married,but she decideD to choose pretending know nothing becOz her BF is her company's bOss. = =""" At tt time I really don't know i should sigh or happy for her... What a clever girL she is noW!!
Den after tt,we continue Chat in MSN.. World,alL of a sudden, become darkness and meaningLesS For me. One of purpose of earning mOney is to live a higher leveL liFe. but now,obviously,it sEems PpL live FoR mOnEy.
Jas's Dad health not very goOd. Her moOd damn piss off now. What's wrong with my friends?!! Shit!
Another day!
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Found your mood not v good yesterday. It's quite sad tt see you said you had never met a true friend before. How come? Would you ask this question before yourself instead of crying for fate unfair? Yes,i agree fate is unfair,this world has no fair at alL,for everyone. So everyone eagerly need friend when they're lonely. If u'r not free,you can reject 2 accompany them; constrary,when u are free,they need you,why don't with them? You gt them,they gt you,two ppl's world,how perfect is! =D. One of purposes of friend is solving lonely,when they're lonly,of coz look for U otherwish they look for who?
Think of how many happy days they gave you,you will take it easy immediately! Angry or complain can't make things better. How waste energy!
Well,maybe you will say im not you,i don't understand you. Ok,yes,it's true. I won't intervene your bz anymore,i say these juz for comforting you because once we're friend.
There is a sentence i wanna telL you for long but always hesitate abt it didn't say till now,actually you're v lucky already! You were born in singapore,you're singaporean, you have a singapore's passport which can gain alot of countries' respect and envy.Hahax. what else you want? Can you image what despiteful stare looks like when you pass through Customs in airport? Hehe. Forget it. Maybe you have family prob, but without family you also won't be happier more. If u can live happily without family,i speechless; If else,Take it easy.
In Afghanistan there are still 30 thousand of people live on, no matter how suffer we are,no one can more suffer than them..
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Yesterday it's Liping's birthday,11 of us attended her birthday party opened in her Western-style house with three-floor. Darren brought an ice-cream cake for her without asking us to share with him,So rich of him!! Love's strength so wonderful! haha. 'Ta de yi ge xin, mahmah,xian gei yi ge ren,mahmah!' haha.
We watched ghost movie first. Charmain really funny,scream with high sharp voice at screen all the way,we're all scared by her scream but not by movie itself.HAHA. Den they plaied Majiang,i didn't know rule,so Eslyn,Huixuan,Xianglin,Shimei and i continued watching TV.
TilL 10pm plus,back home. =]
All the best!
Tuesday, August 09, 2005
Study and wOrk Hard To fulfiL youR dream First; Secondly,Look For a BF To Take Care Of U be'cOz sometimes you're sO carelesS tt makes me worry abt yOU it's tOo bad; Last but not least,U must wish you won't forget there is a CUTE friend like me once in your life' journey and pls be my friend ForEveR!!! =D
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Em..The Only Thing that disappointed me is i find ML is not as mature as i used to think. Even has abit bu dong shi... Hai....... ren bu ke mao xiang....
I finalLy told her who he is...she said not v obvious.. and gave me alot of advices,i,Of cOz,chose to believe alL. For Good,for myselF.For Respect. Yup. Feeling become betteR . =D Thanks!! ;]
Yuwen told me a phrase that v interesting :
Thanks!! =]
Saturday, August 06, 2005
The mOrE peOples i meet,
the MoRe i want yOu bE my side For3veR!
I MisS yOu,My beloved Friend!!!
Xiaoting,jas,mc and meili go Kbox today and they asked me whether i want go together,i immediately replied NO. Hai~.. Wish them stay happy always!
Ting,I'M sorry, tml we must meet each other don't change date again le,can? =]
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Be clear in your mind why you are dissatisfied.Was it the way you were treated? A wrong decision? Defective goods? What exactly went wrong?
Be clear in your own mind what you want to happen as a result of making a complaint. Do you want an apology? Do you want a different decision? Do you want the proper service that should have been provided in the first place? Do you want replaced goods? You should mention this to the organisation you are complaining to and ask for prompt action.
Who to complain to
This will be different depending on what type of organisation you are complaining to and the scale of your complaint. The following three steps are a general guideline. For more specific complaint procedures see the Information Section where you can find the specific steps for each organisation;
You should attempt to resolve your complaint directly with the parties involved: i.e. take the product purchased back to the shop, or attempt to have the service redone.
You should contact the relevant senior management or customer services department. It may be necessary to communicate with them several times before taking the next step. Most good organisations will have internal complaints procedures and complaints are often resolved using these. However sometimes they aren't and that's when you should consider the third step. It is worth mentioning that you are considering or have decided to take your complaint to the relevant authorities, sometimes this may provoke more serious consideration of a complaint
You should contact the relevant authority or overseer who will be able to give advice on how to exacerbate your complaint if you are still not satisfied. Ask the institution which is the relevant independent ombudsman or adjudicator to whom you can take your complaint (you can also find this information by browsing the Information Section of this site). Alternatively you can contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau or Trading Standards Office who will be able to help and give you advice on who you should contact next. Some Ombudsman or executive agencies such as Oftel or Ofgem may take complaints up for you.
Saturday, July 30, 2005
Complaining Only Makes Things Worse
once people stop thinking of themselves as complainers -- which is not an ennobling way for anyone to feel -- and start thinking of themselves as people who are committed to something, that sets the stage for them to do something about their problem. That happens not by dismissing the complaint but by finding the commitment behind it.
Figure out what others around you -- and what you yourself -- are doing to thwart the goal you're committed to. Identify to what degree you have some control of the situation. That doesn't mean that other people aren't responsible. It's about recognizing that in almost every circumstance, we have some hand in why our commitment is not being realized. For example, somebody might realize that he's never told his boss, "I don't feel you're taking my perspective into account. I'm not happy with the way we work together."
Be direct. Relaying a compliment through a third party may seem better than nothing, but is it going to have the desired effect? Not really. To offer a meaningful compliment, make sure you talk directly to the person you're complimenting. Don't say something nice about someone to his coworkers or praise him in a meeting that he's not in. Compliments have more power when they're delivered directly to the person, preferably in front of other people.
Be specific. Merely saying, "Hey, you did a great job in that meeting last week" may sound nice, but in practical terms, it is a fairly worthless remark. The problem is that the person you're talking to has no idea what he did that impressed you or how he made a difference. Give as much information as you can about why you're pleased and what effect the person's actions have had on the larger picture.
Be professional. It's better to tell someone how her good deeds or work affected you, rather than telling her what kind of person you think she is. You shouldn't presume to define someone (even in a flattering light), and personal assessments are just that -- personal. Instead of saying, "I appreciate what a thoughtful person you are," try saying, "I appreciate the way you took time to fill me in on that meeting I missed."
Realise i did Alot of silLy thing before! Look back i was Childish to say thOSE words To heR! Although maybe it just is an excuse,it's true that there were many things happened at thOSE mOnthes making me tOO upset to remember to be responsible for What i do, nO matTeR How i FeEl.
Thanks K for helping me to cover what did i wrtie in my tag-board.That's really wonderful!
Thanks Ting and Jas who stand by my side and support me always.
And,mc,i'm sOrRy. =[.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
I wrote your name in air, it was blown away,
then I wrote your name on my heart & I got heart attack.
God saw me hungry, He created pizza
He saw me thirsty, He created Pepsi
He saw me in the dark, He created light
He saw me without problems, He created YOU.
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
You should know what you are
And once you know what you are
Mental hospital is not so far.
The rain makes all things beautiful,
The grass and flowers too
If rain makes all things beautiful,
Why doesn't it rain on you?
Roses are red, violets are blue
Monkeys like you should be kept in zoo
Don't feel so angry
you will find me there too
but Not in cage but laughing at you.
When your life is in the darkness,
Pray to God ask Him to free you from the darkness,
And if after you pray and you are still in the darkness,
Please pay your ELECTRICITY BILL !!!!
Sunday, July 24, 2005
Maomao and her BF

Jun's comment to her bf is 'Wolao,isn't he a human??!!'....haha... but i thinK sO. haha. HandsOme tilL can FainT siA!
Maomao said he treats her very welL,juz what she can't stand is sometimes he would like to contrOl everthing she did. But nowaday better more,he changed alOt foR her. 5555....这世上痴情的男人还真多。。... 可我竟这么没本事一个都逮不到。。。5555... 欺负人嘛。。。。讨厌!!Let me hit the waLl! 5555555. But rmb help and pulL me....haha..lame...

Wish my friend and her darling stay happy always and wiLl love each Other FoReVeRRR!!!!!!!!Yoyo!!! +*Pray*
Friday, July 22, 2005
Life can only be understood backwards;but it must be lived forward.
The secret of life is not to do what one likes,but to try to like what one has to do.
Happiness is the interval between period of unhappiness.
The people who get on in this world are the people who get up and look for circumstances they want,and if they cannot find them,make them.
A man can fail many times,but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame someone else.
Pessimist: One who,when he has the choice of two evils,chooses bOth.
It's easier to please a million people you don't know than to please one person you dO know!
No man can lose what he never had.
Advice is what we ask for when we already know the answer but wish we didn't.
Wednesday, July 20, 2005
Monday, July 18, 2005
After reached home,i told parents how goOd i feel for my Oral. They gave me an excited expression at once,making me sO touch!!! I even sense that they're happier than me!!! EspecialLy Mum!! Her big smile sO bright at me that almOst can caused me melt!! haha... I love my mum! I LOVE MY MUM!! I LOVE MY MUM TO THE BEST OF BEST!!!!!
Last but not least,I'm thankful tO Xueting,Xiaoting and Jas's care and greeting sO so So much,heartfuLly!!
Thanks Xue,who said good luck tO me and couraged me before a day of Oral and copied many Oral questions fOr me partical... =+HuGZ+= Love Ya!! Anything sms me and i wilL give U my eaR nO matter what hapPen!! =D
Thanks Ting said she will call me in Order tO help my Oral exam and thanks those a lot Of msgs yOu sent. I'm sorry Waste your hp bilL...hai...Well,i have a good idea of saving your money,you want know? Ask your mama pay ba...... =D
Jas,Thank you really mUch 4 yOur caring askED me hOw abt my Oral as soon as U heard i gt oral today frOm xue! SO SWEET OF YOU!! Sorry I didn't tell you,neither careless nor unwilling,is only because i don't want tO trouble you,(since i have troubled 3 ppls already.) haha...
Karen: Haha,dictionary very usefuL! ThankS aLoT advice Me!!! and i sLoWly read wOrd By word like what U said! UsefUl as welL! Thanks!!
Mc: Soorry For Didn't telL u As WelL sO that nOthing to talk to yOu...oOps...not gu yi...sOrry...=p. Take care yA!! haha!
Saturday, July 16, 2005
Friday, July 15, 2005
Saturday, July 09, 2005
1)I put on my coat and found its first button was gone.
2)As soon as he heard the phone ringing, he went to pick it up.
老师在黑板上写了一句:Time is money. 并让同学们翻译。
有名学生答道: “汤姆是玛丽。”
小明上英文课时跟老师说:May I go to the toilet?
老师说:Go ahead.
小明又跟老师说:May I go to toilet?
老师说:Go ahead. 小明又坐了下来。他旁边的同学于是忍不住问:你不是跟老师说要上厕所吗? 怎么不去?
二次世界大战时,有一天德意日三国将军正在讨论第二天的战略。德国将军说:“我国负责坦克、军车和枪弹。” 意大利将军说:“我国负责出兵,只要武器够多, 要多少兵都没问题。” 两国将军问日本将军说:“贵国可以出什么东西?” 日本将军抓抓头,似乎想不到该出什么,于是德国将军说:“那你们出物资(supplies)好了。” 日本将军听了很高兴的说:"Oh,That's easy. No problem." 第二天终于到来,德军开了坦克、军车等来到集合地点,稍后意军也纷纷赶到。可是 左等右等就是不见日本的物资供应。两国将军生气地说:“死日本鬼子怎么毁约了!” 话刚说完,突然四周的草丛里冒出一群全副武装的日本军,口中还大叫着: "Surprise!"
外宾一见到江青, 立刻拍马屁道:"Miss Jiang, you are very beautiful." 翻译照翻。
江青心花怒放, 嘴上还 要谦虚一下:“哪里,哪里”。 翻译不敢怠慢,把江青的话翻成英文:"Where? Where?"
外宾一愣,还有这样的人, 追问哪里漂亮的,干脆马屁拍到底:"Everywhere, everywhere." 翻译:“你到处都很漂亮。”
江青更高兴了,但总是要客气一下:“不见得, 不见得 ”。翻译赶紧翻成英文:"You are not allowed to see, you are not allowed to see."
一对热恋中的男女。女生非常没有安全感,于是对着男友说:“SAY ‘I LOVE YOU!! ’ SAY IT! SAY IT! SAY IT!” 男的答道:“IT!”
他不放心的问道:turn left?
监考官回答: right. 于是他立刻向右转……
某男,亦粗通英文,至使馆,有表要填,有一栏是:Sex,该男思之久已,毅然下笔: “Once a week”。
签证官观后暴笑,曰:“This item should be filled in with male or female.”
官楞之,曰:“shouldn’t it be male?”
男急释曰:“I am a normal man, so I have sex with female.
男:What time is it now?
女:It's nine.
男:Let's go to bed.
女:We go to bed at nine.
一次为一个初中小孩搞家教,在其英语课本上发现如下恐怖字眼:爸死 (bus ) 爷死 (yes )哥死(girls)妹死(Mis)……死光(school)
“oh, TOKOTA!Made in Japan! It is very fast!”
“oh, NISSAN !Made in Japan! It is very fast!”司机有点不高兴,觉得他太吵了!
“oh,HONDA!Made in Japan! It is very fast!”
后来到了机场,那个日本人就问:“How Much?”
出租车司机回答说:“oh,mileometer(计程表) !Made in Japan! It is very fast!”
售票小姐说:麻烦你告诉她,现在坐票售完了只剩下站票, 如果要看要站着看。 小强转头就对老外说:no sit see, stand see. if see stand see.
老外回答说:sorry I don't understand your English.
Monday, July 04, 2005

AfternOon During IFA lessOn received a msg from Xiaoting...Without doubt i Just can't cOntroL my tear tO rolL dOwn...Beernadette ,a classmate who next tO me, even shocked till stop typing nO chOice i reaLly felt tOuch...toUched bY this intime msg...Touched by her WhO stiLl Rmb me ...Rmb me when the time i need a friend tO rmb me.... sO i can't explain hOw important her care for me... At that mOment,at that time,at that second,i really thOught nOthing has changed...we wilL be friend foreveR... haha....XiaOtInG!! ThanK yoU really really mUch!! i LoV yOu!!! Anyway,that reaLly shOcks Me sO... When i becOme such weak tO keeP reality?
We are nOt in same place already. No longer be anymOre. but i still dream....-_-""
i am cryin in class?!! hai~ yue huo yue childish le....
Jas sms me say Science will seperate to 2 classes and she's sad coz she sure she will not be same class with K and Mc...
i reply: Maybe It's time tO make new friend and at least you r in same sch.......................................
Last weEk................................................................. One wOrd Only include: hai~.....
Hate my this such low vOice. okay. tOday stop here.
Wish tOday will be last time Of crying in frOnt Of Ppl... Tears can't helP anything,after AlL! Anything is better than walking away and crying night after night....hehe...
Sign Off. Good Night,my Friends!!
Help evA, huRt NEver!
Love evA,hAte NEver!
GivE evA,ExpECt NEver!
SMiLe evA,cRy NEver!
rMbEr ME evA,fOgEt ME NEver =p
gDnOn! StAy HaPi oWaEs!!
Friday, July 01, 2005
Thursday, June 30, 2005
Tuesday, June 28, 2005
i lOvE My Mummy! ShE rOcKs!!!
When mum said:" i understand. Don't caRe thOse tiny $ anymOre,i will give U again." i almOst burst into tears. but i didn't in the end..haha. i have card,sO what i really need is sOmeone's care Only... Yes,my mum understands me! ShE UndeRstOoD!!! Enough!!! MaMa rOcKx!!! =D

Thanks My deAr XiaOting sO mUch!! I aM sOrRy fOr sUch tRoUblesOme pOuriNg out alOt of stufFs to U...I wiLl Do My BeSt tO CoNTrOl ThOsE bAd FeELiNg iN tHe FuTUrE. tHaNkS mAkE mE fEeL I'M nO aLoNe...ExPeCiAlLy ToDaY...OnLy U...ThAt'S miRaCl3 wHen i'M dOwn,yOu jUz App3Ar iN ThERe And ThE mOsT iMpOrTaNt ThInG U hAV3 Tim3 tO giV3 a EaR aS wElL aT tT tImE.... I cAn'T DeScRiBe My tOuCh bUt ThAnKS AlOt,rEaLlY!!! I LOVE YOU!
Monday, June 27, 2005
Sunday, June 26, 2005

男儿泪 女儿哭
入死出生 由你做主
可你欠我幸福 拿什么来弥补

宁愿你恨得糊涂 中了爱的迷毒
你给我保护 我还你祝福
Love this sOng sO sO much feeling siA...haha...but unfortnately it's nowhere to find... hAix~ haha...nO choice... thanks u all juz sing yourself and image feeling lol...haha..
Saturday, June 25, 2005
Thursday, June 23, 2005

Today is Xueting's birthday!!! haha...Too bad today no go out with her celebrating her birthday...i'm sOrry,ting!! sO Let me greet you in Public...
Happy birthday tO you!!!!
Happy birthday to you!!!
hAppY bIRthdAy tO XueTing,
happy birthday to you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Must stay happy everyday!!
Open it:
Wish yOu StAy Happy fOrEv3R!!!!!
Go ahead and go all the way. What's the point of putting in half your effort when you know you're capable of so much more than this? If you've got the ability and the stamina to pour into this project or relationship, there's no use in holding back. After all, you get out of this life what you put into it. So in order to get the best, you know exactly what it is that you have to do. Get started.
Saturday, June 18, 2005
Friday, June 17, 2005
Thursday, June 16, 2005

To All Of My Friendz!! I lOvE yA!!! =]
Met Up Jas and MC at 12:30 to buy Xue's present...i brought watch,Jas brought a very big bearbear pillow with pink and Mc'S present for xue is a nice hand-chain with heart shape mix with pink and white...after that by the time we suppost to meet together,there was a pigpig dare tO late...hahaha...den 4 Of us discussed eagerly tt later must gave her a fist one by one...hahahah.... den,unfortunately,when we saw her run towards us,our heart suddenly become soften and just 不舍得了 lol... haha...nO la,no sUch good thing...real reason is because we suddenly become too lazy to beat ppl tt needs to use strength ma,tt's sO troublesOme lol...sO's y we never gave you free fist...haha....sorry sorry...but never mind la hOr?? next time la,next time you come late again,i sure will give u de lA...maybe get one free one alsO gt possible...hahahah...SEE ME SO SWEET SIA!! HAHAHA..... =D
den go kbox with Xueting,Jas,Xiaoting,meichen and meiLi for celebrating xueting's coming birthday...quite funny...xiaOting become crazy...haha...turn out of controL...haha...have alOt oF laughter...sO happy...Lucky they're under 18,otherwise after drink deer, no1 can't imagin what consequence will be...hahhaa....
After singing,6 Of us went take phOto.. den heard jas's house all black nO electric...sO i decided left for awhile don't back home.... den took cash and went to eat.... (.......) -_-"""....... haha...den something makes me speechless....haha...Oh,who have free time to give me a ear to listen?? haha...
ok. ALL IN ALL,that is Happy day!! have a nice day,my friends!!! LoveZ YA ALOT!!!
bb. =D
Wednesday, June 15, 2005

This is YuTing!! who i mentioned once tt MC's character as similiar as with... but still there are a little bit different between twO Of them la....n she is One of my twO good friends,in Shanghai, who still in contact... abt she,i think see from her face juz almost can realise what kind of woman she is liaO..rit? haha...ya,pretty and playfuL!!
AND once she promised me :After ten years, if our memories are still fresh and we still treasure each other . and she will be friend with me foreveR....
sO i am waiting...wOO....
Since i left her by the time i was 15,There are 6 years to be friend forever still left.... 6 years to prove our friendshiP...........
Transfer frOm her MSN. (15_6_2005)
Monday, June 13, 2005

一旦失去朋友,最豁达的想法莫如 :本来就谁也不是谁的。
After seven years, sOme memories are still fresh. and they will be with us foreveR.
Friends are born,nOt made.
nO act Of kindness, nO matter hOw small,is ever waSted.
It's easier to forgive an enemy then to fOr give a friend.
sOmetimes when i'm angry i have the right to be angry,but that doesn't give me the right to be cRuel.
nO matter hOw much i care,sOme people just don't care back.
I hAve learnt that nOmatter hOw gOOD friend is, they Are gOing to hurt yOU every once in a while and yoU must fOrgive them fOr that.
NEVER explain! TrUe friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe you anyway!!!
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Rmb first time i drop testi for friend....since i learn eng not very long....den good point write till seems negtive so upset...haha.... Must correct me if im wrong!!! Thanks k sO much!!!! Love SiA!!!!
Decision: NOne Of new friends can replace the status of old friends who experience those same days with me in heart. nOne Of them. I won't use heart to make friend anymOre as well. Oops,tOO serious?? hahhaha...ok la. bt i really mean tt. Suddenly recall what xianglin she suffers confused to choose which one must to be mOre treasure between her old close friend and new close friend.... Rmb what my response at that time was: keep bOth. Till now, i regret what i said. Why would i thought i have ability to keep bOth and treasure and won't neglect any one of them in the future?? Being a friend, i have the responsibility to be there for my best friend always,never neglect her,support or belief her only no matter who's fault and give the best to her.... these and thOse, if i have twO or above best friend, which one i can surely fulfill totally?
BEST can't cut to piece. Best is sole one and one only.
No time,nO ability to give the best to friend,don't make fRiend in e begining.
Wonder what r those who have many 'BEST' friends in world thinking?? Who is that one in their heart to care the most?? hahah...
Saturday, June 11, 2005
Thursday, June 09, 2005
Really happy to meet them again. Thanks sO much!haha. Love yA!! Next week if gt go kbOx,must call me join ok? Can't wait to see you again! hahah... tt's all. bb,dear friends.
Anyway,Mc sent me a msg in friendster yesterday.(or ytd of ytd??) ... den i reply her today. My 'u did nth wrong' manner makes me seems talking to a (...... ). den ytd J and k asked me how i feel now...either i didn't respon or reply nth... haha...not diaO but i really nothing to include... What i think is Even if say out le,troublesome still will be there and nth will be changed...maybe friend's support or advice can make me feel better or dO wisely.............but waste time to talk about this kind of thing i feel v rubbish...'s all lo. hahaha...
TT also e first time i realise what big difference between mc and i is. Yes,U r right. reaLlY tOtally diff. haha.
Tuesday, June 07, 2005
Monday, June 06, 2005

If you're afraid to love a person because of friendship, you have two choices:
either tell what you feel and let the love take place
hide the feeling under a friendship full of pretensions.
It's hard for two people to love each other when they live in two different worlds but when these two worlds collide and become one, that's what you call magic!
Love can never be so beautiful without friendship.
One leads to another and the process is irreversible.
The best of lovers is the greatest of friends!
I like you because you're my friend, and because you are my friend I care, and because I care, I love you. I don't love you because you are my friend, I love you because I do!
Sometimes I've asked myself, what would make me happy? To think that I have everything else, I get what I want. Then I realized it was YOU, too bad 'cause it's you can't have. I can't choose who I'm gonna love, but I also can't just love who chooses to love me.
And you can't blame me in choosing to love you as much as I can't blame you for not learning to love me.
I'm sorry if you can't love me the way you loved the one before me, so I'll let you go find him/her and hope someday you'll see that the one true love you're looking for was the one who set you free.
"How can I say goodbye to someone I never had? Why do tears fall for someone who was never mine? Why is that I miss someone I was never with and I ask why I love someone who's love was never mine?"
Isn't it funny we're trying to catch the attention of the one we think we love; we hardly notice the one we're really looking for was just there.
You don't notice them 'till they are in the arms of someone else.
Food for thought, think of this:
Have you really cared for someone more than you expected?
Have you ever tried to love him/her despite of all the pain?
Will you keep on loving him/her as he/she
whispers someone else's name?
Will you?
It's better to lose your pride with someone you love rather than lose that someone you love with your useless pride.
When you love someone, don't expect that person to love you back the same amount. One of you will be ahead, the other behind. It's either you catch up or the other waits.
When you love, you must not accept anything in return, for if you do, you're not loving but Investing.
If you love, you must prepare to accept pain, for if you expect happiness, you're not loving but using.
True love hears what is not spoken, and understands what is not explained, for love doesn't work in the mouth, nor the mind, but in the heart...
Love is like standing on wet cement, the longer you stay the harder it is to leave and you can never go without leaving your prints behind. Don't love a person like a flower, because a flower dies in season.
Love them like a river because a river flows forever.
Love doesn't have to have a happy ending, 'cause love doesn't have to end at all.
Never be afraid to fall in love. It may hurt a lot, it may give you aches and pains, but if you don't follow your heart, in the end you will cry even more for not giving love a chance.
Love may leave your heart like shattered glass, but keep in mind that there's someone who'll be willing to endure the pain of picking up the pieces so you could be whole again.
The cruelest thing a guy could do to a girl is to let her fall in love when he doesn't intend to catch her fall! And fooling around with her feelings like they meant nothing!!! (this goes for gals as well)
The most painful thing that it hurts u when u love and care a person more than just a fren.
Saturday, June 04, 2005

haha...Finally received a Xuan's photo from QQ ytd. hoho...become prettier le this gal....Wow. And,She said she would transfer me her bf de photo soon in these days maybe...haha...heard he nt quite handsome but treats Xuan very well. den asked Xuan loves him ant...she paused there awhile ad respon,ok lol.....-_-"" Chew! sO damn diaO...hahahah. bf mature and loves her juz enough le la! There is a v High goal 4 this gal to look for a guy de.. =D haha. Juz lk someone so high aim 4 her result... haha. Anyway sO long to take a look how 'ugly' she meant her bf is.... haha..=p...38..haha... That background is her living room. Hai~ Miss sia!

A cup of Lemon tea makes A flash of smile. From this time we no longer struggle time with world. Everything in ur life juz prepared u for this magical moment.
Being a woman, pls be happy,for good,for yourself.