Sunday, July 24, 2005

Maomao and her BF

Jun's comment to her bf is 'Wolao,isn't he a human??!!'....haha... but i thinK sO. haha. HandsOme tilL can FainT siA!
Maomao said he treats her very welL,juz what she can't stand is sometimes he would like to contrOl everthing she did. But nowaday better more,he changed alOt foR her. 5555....这世上痴情的男人还真多。。... 可我竟这么没本事一个都逮不到。。。5555... 欺负人嘛。。。。讨厌!!Let me hit the waLl! 5555555. But rmb help and pulL me....haha..lame...

Wish my friend and her darling stay happy always and wiLl love each Other FoReVeRRR!!!!!!!!Yoyo!!! +*Pray*

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