Monday, July 04, 2005

AfternOon During IFA lessOn received a msg from Xiaoting...Without doubt i Just can't cOntroL my tear tO rolL dOwn...Beernadette ,a classmate who next tO me, even shocked till stop typing nO chOice i reaLly felt tOuch...toUched bY this intime msg...Touched by her WhO stiLl Rmb me ...Rmb me when the time i need a friend tO rmb me.... sO i can't explain hOw important her care for me... At that mOment,at that time,at that second,i really thOught nOthing has changed...we wilL be friend foreveR... haha....XiaOtInG!! ThanK yoU really really mUch!! i LoV yOu!!! Anyway,that reaLly shOcks Me sO... When i becOme such weak tO keeP reality?

We are nOt in same place already. No longer be anymOre. but i still dream....-_-""

i am cryin in class?!! hai~ yue huo yue childish le....

Jas sms me say Science will seperate to 2 classes and she's sad coz she sure she will not be same class with K and Mc...
i reply: Maybe It's time tO make new friend and at least you r in same sch.......................................

Last weEk................................................................. One wOrd Only include: hai~.....

Hate my this such low vOice. okay. tOday stop here.

Wish tOday will be last time Of crying in frOnt Of Ppl... Tears can't helP anything,after AlL! Anything is better than walking away and crying night after night....hehe...

Sign Off. Good Night,my Friends!!

Help evA, huRt NEver!
Love evA,hAte NEver!
GivE evA,ExpECt NEver!
SMiLe evA,cRy NEver!
rMbEr ME evA,fOgEt ME NEver =p
gDnOn! StAy HaPi oWaEs!!

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