一旦失去朋友,最豁达的想法莫如 :本来就谁也不是谁的。
After seven years, sOme memories are still fresh. and they will be with us foreveR.
Friends are born,nOt made.
nO act Of kindness, nO matter hOw small,is ever waSted.
It's easier to forgive an enemy then to fOr give a friend.
sOmetimes when i'm angry i have the right to be angry,but that doesn't give me the right to be cRuel.
nO matter hOw much i care,sOme people just don't care back.
I hAve learnt that nOmatter hOw gOOD friend is, they Are gOing to hurt yOU every once in a while and yoU must fOrgive them fOr that.
NEVER explain! TrUe friends don't need it and your enemies won't believe you anyway!!!
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