Sunday, September 05, 2004

Oh,mygod....Finally bump into Tomato in QQ.....have been looking for him for 3 yrs after i left shanghai it's hard to express my excitement at tt god....he become more handsome and mature happy he turn older as well....lalala....but still beri 臭屁 can。。. he left a message in my QQ,said:'I MISS YOU SO MUCH....CAI GUAI(才怪)impossible...don't always make daydream la otherwise your brain would hang again!!!!'......-_-""...what a damn lame bloody boring guy!!!!....haha...know each other over eight years already....8 years touching....当我们十年后再重逢,心中任是温暖,就是好朋友。不要忘记当年曾经深深爱过你的我,朋友。Never ever say give up!!! 曾经在开口闭口间,我选择了沉默。然后以为可以挽回,殊不知这个世界永远人海茫茫!失去了想要再回首,就永远是只剩物是人非的沧桑变故了。。。.den it was my first time 2 recognise what is the main diffierence between us when we talked about the memories we shared in the past.....that is....he is male,i am female la.....what a simple Ans!!!!!!....The history of him i know for me would never change.....a joker hu likes 2 act funny in front of ppl and act cool when he is alone...always looked like down....prefer to punch his head non-stop and hurt himself......Oh,my deskmate,my friend,my big brother,whatever U will become,i will always take the warmest blessedness for you and support you......Lu,I LOVE YOU......Cai guai!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.

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