Sunday, May 02, 2004

突然突然很思念Tingting,一种强烈的思念。密密麻麻。今天tingitng一个越洋电话把我拉到了很久很久以前的感动,她一直都精力旺盛到离谱的地步,never realise what is shy.因为她可以持续一个下午打电话找人聊天,直到那个人忍无可忍啪地扔掉手上的phone without one word!!!哈哈。。。她的毅力和强烈的控制欲让我佩服又无奈,可是,我能怎么样,谁叫我认识了这种活宝朋友,谁叫我本身根本离不开她?呵呵。。。她的口气和想法,从以前到现在竟然一点都没有变,生活没有改变她,哈哈,算你厉害,女人。
tingting told me tat 她又找到工作了,是一家五星级的旅馆,每日的incomes是$18plus,haha....i am so glad that she finally got a job in a good happy.....
做人只要快乐,其他什么都不重要了。后钰婷,你快乐吧?如果不,没关系,你还有我啊,有我你怎么可以不快乐。。。呵呵。my shoulder always be there for you....=] lOvE yOu,friend......
any way,well,she said tat she has broke up with her bf already for a long time,and now she found a guy who treats her more tender than ex-,but she still love that ex- much more recently one.....i said nothing....just再一次明白,’男人不坏,女人不爱‘的道理不仅仅空旋来风的。

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