Sunday, February 27, 2005


Love starts with a smile,grows with a kiss,and ends with a tear.
why i love lemon so?
because it's sour flavor can maked me realize tt my Life with you is sweetier than it!

i used to love music you love,but now i love music because i love it.

¡£When Live a life without you, miracle is only can made by myself.

break it,or else you canot fly...

Tell me how tO make you live in a real happiness?

In that line which is My memory . . .
That is the story when I first met you. .
Here begins a new life

the calm Of sweet, star-lighted hours!我曾经疯狂地攒钱,就是想送你一个真真正正的礼物。可是当我拿着钱走到柜台的时候,我才知道我们的感情还承受不起如此沉重的压力。它承受不起。

这一分,这一秒,这一刻,我告诉自己:要坚强,不能哭,还有……祝福你。And Believe me,you realLy love heR mOre than woRds.

Saturday, February 26, 2005

Saturday, February 26, 2005


汉皇重色思倾国,御宇多年求不得。 杨家有女初长成,养在深闺人未识。
天生丽质难自弃,一朝选在君王侧。 回眸一笑百媚生,六宫粉黛无颜色。
春寒赐浴华清池,温泉水滑洗凝脂。 侍儿扶起娇无力,始是新承恩泽时。
云鬓花颜金步摇,芙蓉帐暖度春宵。 春宵苦短日高起,从此君王不早朝。
承欢侍宴无闲暇,春从春游夜专夜。 后宫佳丽三千人,三千宠爱在一身。
金星妆成娇侍夜,玉楼宴罢醉和春。 姊妹弟兄皆列士,可怜光彩生门户。
遂令天下父母心,不重生男重生女。 骊宫高处入青云,仙乐风飘处处闻。
缓歌慢舞凝丝竹,尽日君王看不足。 渔阳鼙鼓动地来,惊破霓裳羽衣曲。
九重城阙烟尘生,千乘万骑西南行。 翠华摇摇行复止,西出都门百馀里。
六军不发无奈何,宛转蛾眉马前死。 花钿委地无人收,翠翘金雀玉搔头。
君王掩面救不得,回看血泪相和流。 黄埃散漫风萧索,云栈萦纡登剑阁。
峨嵋山下少人行,旌旗无光日色薄。 蜀江水碧蜀山青,圣主朝朝暮暮情。
行宫见月伤心色,夜雨闻铃肠断声。 天旋地转回龙驭,到此踌躇不能去。
马嵬坡下泥土中,不见玉颜空死处。 君臣相顾尽沾衣,东望都门信马归。
归来池苑皆依旧,太液芙蓉未央柳。 芙蓉如面柳如眉,对此如何不泪垂!
春风桃李花开日,秋雨梧桐叶落时。 西宫南内多秋草,落叶满阶红不扫。
梨园子弟白发新,椒房阿监青娥老。 夕殿萤飞思悄然,孤灯挑尽未成眠。
迟迟钟鼓初长夜,耿耿星河欲曙天。 鸳鸯瓦冷霜华重,翡翠衾寒谁与共?
悠悠生死别经年,魂魄不曾来入梦。 临邛道士鸿都客,能以精诚致魂魄。
为感君王辗转思,遂教方士殷勤觅。 排空驭气奔如电,升天入地求之遍。
上穷碧落下黄泉,两处茫茫皆不见。 忽闻海上有仙山,山在虚无缥缈间。
楼阁玲珑五云起,其中绰约多仙子。 中有一人字太真,雪肤花貌参差是。
金阙西厢叩玉扃,转教小玉报双成。 闻道汉家天子使,九华帐里梦魂惊。
揽衣推枕起徘徊,珠箔银屏迤逦开。 云鬓半偏新睡觉,花冠不整下堂来。
风吹仙袂飘飘举,犹似霓裳羽衣舞。 玉容寂寞泪阑干,梨花一枝春带雨。
含情凝睇谢君王,一别音容两渺茫。 昭阳殿里恩爱绝,蓬莱宫中日月长。
回头下望人寰处,不见长安见尘雾。 唯将旧物表深情,钿合金钗寄将去。
钗留一股合一扇,钗擘黄金合分钿。 但教心似金钿坚,天上人间会相见。
临别殷勤重寄词,词中有誓两心知。 七月七日长生殿,夜半无人私语时。




Friday, February 25, 2005

Didn't i say something wrong?
Did i do something wrong to you,didn't I??
Answer is YES you did.
i can sense impatience from your reflection 2 me,but i totally don't want to admit before....ya,i juz don't want 2 admit..sO, fault.....i thought i wouldn't care this kind of hurt anymore...
but Unfortunately,the painful deep inside tells me loudly ,i still mind it...!!!!! y such Stupid?..haizzzz......
u prefer to trust what they said but not to c hOw really am i........what else can i say?....
-_-"".forget iT ba!
Everything will be okay in the end.
but I would rmb what did she say juz nw for ever,no else, just in oder to advice me to find tt who dislike me and who don't dislike me as early as possible as long as i live...=]
Why would i make myself follow them juz now?
ya,stupid am i!!!!!!!
must fan sheng (反省)right now!!!

Thursday, February 24, 2005

you are the one i care for
you are the one i want to be there for
you are the one i always want to talk to
you are the one i always want to share my problem
you are the one i always will cry for
you are the one i feel happy
you are the one i feel sad
you are the one i love
you are the one i always smile at
you are the one i always want to play with
you are the one i feel so important
you are the one i feel so special withand
you are the one i really miss
really really miss in my Heart~!
---by XiangLin

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

Today run 2.4 and NAFA test at the same day...haha..faint....Xianglin really so power siA!!!..proud of her...haha...quite zhong gan qing as well....=].After she run finish her 7 rounds,she never go to take a rest but continue run beside me,and encourage every classmates including me with:Come On,YoyO,come on!!! touch man.. den i can say If without her, i sure would 'walking and looking' all the way till de end. haha.....thanks her so much!!! haha..'
Den during recess,i talk in peace with ShiMei along...we have a so nice conversation at that time. haha.....she is the most innocent people i ever meet. If you were me,i confirm you would like her as well.....quite sweet and pretty gal she is!!! =] always v lucky to know nice people just like 2 of them and those my old friends as my friends!!!....haha.....Oh,thanks mama!! Thanks gOd!! Thanks heaven!! thanks bOdhisattva!! thank you so much!!!! Thanks!!!!!!!!TC!! have a great day!!! Especially YOU!!! Happy4eveR=]

Friday, February 18, 2005

Just read finish a story so touch my heart... i definately agree with every words tt guy said....and the most important thing is he really never break his promise after 10 years passed...
" There is only a woman i love the most in my life."
" I can love a woman only with heart in my life."
" i love you,but not the most. So,please must loving yourself more than loving me."

There is only a man i love the most in my life,if have.
I can only give a man my love with heart in my life,if have a man.
i love you,with mind. so,please love yourself first! =]

Thursday, February 17, 2005

new YR card

Received a New YR Card from XIAOTING today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!hahahahahhaahhahahahahhahahahahhahahahhaah~~~~~~~~~

(to be continue)

those enough to express u my excite?hehe......
that is a very nice card with my name written on card in your handwriting....even though it's not nice actually,haha,it's perfect in my eyes!!!haha....haha.....haha.....the edge of envelope cover with full of 'Must miss me'....Oh,Of course.i won't forget forget! but how can i let you know tt's true? how can i trouble you when you're busy?....when you're better than me?....when you are richer than me?.... when your position is higher than me?...i just mean that. i don't know what am talking abt....haha....don't care me...haha.....
happy,happy,happy,happy for still got someone haven't forget me!hahah
Oh,jas remind me go tk N centi and Yr bK again...haha..thanks again!!!

gd nite.

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Yesterday 8 of us went to Parkway ate lunch...
Today same number again go to Bugis during first (plus,xianglin really quite funny and is a joker now and then...haha.)...den after tt,we walk around in the mall...den when we pass through tt photo shop last time xiaoting,jas,xue,Mc and i went took our photos and enjoyed there....i stop my step in front of machine losing and forget rest of them and at that time there is a sense of emotion calls helpless cover me and i wanna burst into if nothing else ever hurt me quite so hard like this....say i don't care anymore is faking miss her... .that's aLl!..den What definition of caring with heart is? That's what question my friend taught me to ask,and when i found out,it was too late....
The most simple way: Give them something they want,don't ever give something they don't care anyway.
Recently a turning point come and i start enjoy articles again. and it succeed to halt my bitter and sourness........haha....

No matter how much u care, some people just don't care back.So, you cannot make someone love you.
All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.
No matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
No matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
It isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you are to learn to forgive yourself.

Well,i miss you so much!!!

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

a letter to girL

你必须把那些浮如飘絮的思绪,渐渐转化为清晰的思路和简单的文字。华丽和漂浮都不易长久。你要知道,给予文字阅读快感是不够的, 内容,思想,境界,灵魂,精神和智慧,这些才重要。
不要多看那些和你一个路数的女作家的文字。不要琐碎,无病呻吟。不要想到什么就写。 不要流于小感伤和小感动。
节制自己的感情。不是任何人都能要。体验生活,是另外一回事,并不意味着堕落和 放纵。千万不要认同那些伪装的酷和另类。他们是无事可做的人找出来放任自己无事可做 的借口。真正的酷是在内心。你要有强大的内心。要有任凭时间流逝,不会磨折和屈服的信念。
时不时问问自己,自己在干吗。 伤心和委屈的时候,要嚎啕大哭。哭完洗完脸,拍拍自己的脸,挤出一个微笑给 自己看。不要揉,否则第二天早上会眼睛肿。 给自己一个远大的前程和目标。记得常常仰望天空。记住仰望天空的时候也看看脚下。 任何时候,任何人问你,有过多少次恋爱,答案是两次。一次是他爱我,我不爱他。一次是我爱他,他不爱我。好的爱情永远在下一次。
别看重处女,但保持纯洁。不要为欲望羞耻,好好享受,但绝不忍受男人的侮辱 和怠慢。
相信我,女孩,男人多的是,比三条腿的青蛙多得多。别轻易说出“爱”。 相信你的直觉。
不要相信在恋爱上用手段的人。分手时不要口出恶言。吸取教训,但不要后悔。后悔没有用。 别干撕照片,烧信,撕日记这样一类三流爱情电视剧中才有人干的事。 相信爱情。相信好男人还存在,还未婚,还在茫茫人海中寻觅你。千万别说“男人没一个好东西”这样使别人误以为你阅人无数的话。 答应我,永远不要去做那种午夜背着行李,从一个男朋友家,流落到另一个男朋友家的女人。
爱物质,适当地。永远知道精神更重要。比那些名表,名牌,时装,更加美丽的是你自己。 别瞧不起劳动人民。不要为劳动羞耻。土地不脏,汗味不难闻。尊重那些似乎生活状况不如你的人,因为这样才是尊重自己。永远体恤那 些生活在底层的人们。我们,并不特别娇贵。
我担心你太沉默,有时要强悍一点,被欺负的时候,一定要讨回来!但是不要记恨。小人之见,随他们去好了。 怜悯,会使你高贵。
最后, 要原谅这世界和自己。

Sunday, February 13, 2005

TangFu MM

TangFu MM
Originally uploaded by hellopiggy.

Chinese cloth MM

Chinese cloth MM
Originally uploaded by hellopiggy.


Originally uploaded by hellopiggy.


Originally uploaded by hellopiggy.


Originally uploaded by hellopiggy.

Not a sound from the pavement
Has the moon lost her memory
She is smiling alone
In the lamp light
The withered leaves collect at my feet
And the wind begins to moan

All alone in the moonlight
I can smile like the old days
I was beautiful, then I remember
The time I knew what happiness was
Let the memory live again

Every street lamp seems to beat
A fatalistic warning
Someone mutters and the street lamp gutters
And soon it will be morning

I must wait for the sun rise
I must think for the new life
And I mustn't give in

When the dawn comes
Tonight will be a memory too
And the new day will begin

Burnt out ends of smoky days
The stale cold smell of morning
A street lamp dies
Another night is over
Another day is dawning

Touch me !
It's so easy to leave me
All alone with my memory
Of my days in the sun
If you touch me
You'll understand what happiness is
Look, a new day has began


Originally uploaded by hellopiggy.
Happy valentines day!!!haha

Saturday, February 12, 2005

Feng moved her house last Monday, den today she sent me a photo of her building(block?). beautiful~ Oh,she makes me start missin Shanghai sO much!!!! Happy New YR,My Shanghai!

Pls don't be a passer By...

ever seem we start sms together we get closer
but happy time will never always there soon you and me start to slow down our sms speed
soon our sms to each other is lesser and lesser each daynow not even one
i don't know what to do
all i can do is sit and wait
crying painfully in heart
and in the end we are another stranger
haizz i dislike this story with bad ending but i have to face it didn't i? haiz, story didn't last long always, my story is always a failure i didn't know what to do either nothing gonna cure my heart or emotion i just a girl that make people like new things and then when not new anymore they will just leave me quietly..

when i know one day it will be like that
i perfer to let go and run away from it
because i have no courage to face it, save it or hold on to it
i just a nobody to somebody

when i ask myself did i regret to know you? and my ans is No because the colours you gave me was so treasure by me
but i know someday it will gone
that my fear and worry haiz

Please be the one that stay and not a passer by..

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Wild Views
[ Some people had to say it. ]

1.. My wife dresses to kill. She cooks the same way. --- Henny Youngman

2.. My wife and I were happy for twenty years. Then we met. --Rodney Dangerfield

3.. A good wife always forgives her husband when she's wrong.

4.. I was married by a judge. I should have asked for a jury. ---George Burns

5.. What's the difference between a boyfriend and a husband? About 30 pounds. --- Cindy Garner

6.. I bought my wife a new car. She called and said, "There was water in the carburetor." I said, "Where's the car?" She said, "In the lake." ---Henny Youngman

7.. Never go to bed mad. Stay up and fight. --- Phyllis Diller

8.. The secret of a happy marriage remains a secret. --- Henny Youngman

9.. People are always asking couples whose marriages have endured at least a quarter of a century for their secret for success. Actually, it is no secret at all.

10.. I am a forgiving woman. Long ago, I forgave my husband for not being Paul Newman. --- Erma Bombeck

11.. At the cocktail party, one woman said to another, "Aren't you wearing your wedding ring on the wrong finger?" The other replied "Yes, I am, I married the wrong man."

12.. After a quarrel, a wife said to her husband, "You know, I was a fool when I married you." The husband replied, "Yes, dear, but I was in love and didn't notice."

13.. When a man steals your wife, there is no better revenge than to let him keep her.

14.. I haven't spoken to my wife in 18 months - I don't like to interrupt her.

15.. My girlfriend told me I should be more affectionate. So I got two girlfriends.

16.. A man said his credit card was stolen but he decided not to report it because the thief was spending less than his wife did.

17.. Women will never be equal to men until they can walk down the Street with a bald head and a beer gut, and still think they are beautiful.

  • I have Learned...
    [Life teaches you alot. Here are few that it taught me.]

  • I've learned that no matter how much I care, some people just don't care back.
  • I've learned that you cannot make someone love you. All you can do is be someone who can be loved. The rest is up to them.
  • I've learned that it's taking me a long time to become the person I want to be.
  • I've learned that it takes years to build up trust, and only seconds to destroy it.
  • I've learned that it's not what you have in your life but who you have in your life that counts.
  • I've learned that you can get by on charm for about fifteen minutes. After that, you'd better know something.
  • I've learned that you shouldn't compare yourself to the best others can do.
  • I've learned that you can do something in an instant that will give you heartache for life.
  • I've learned that you should always leave loved ones with loving words. It may be the last time you see them.
  • I've learned that you can keep going long after you can't.
  • I've learned that we are responsible for what we do, no matter how we feel.
  • I've learned that either you control your attitude or it controls you.
  • I've learned that regardless of how hot and steamy a relationship is at first, the passion fades and there had better be something else to take its place.
  • I've learned that heroes are the people who do what has to be done when it needs to be done, regardless of the consequences.
  • I've learned that money is a lousy way of keeping score.
  • I've learned that my best friend and I can do anything or nothing and have the best time.
  • I've learned that sometimes the people you expect to kick you when you're down will be the ones to help you get back up
  • I've learned that sometimes when I'm angry I have the right to be angry, but that doesn't give me the right to be cruel.
  • I've learned that true friendship continues to grow, even over the longest distance.Same goes for true love.
  • I've learned that just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean they don't love you with all they have.
  • I've learned that maturity has more to do with what types of experiences you've had and what you've learned from them and less to do with how many birthdays you've celebrated.
  • I've learned that your family won't always be there for you.It may seem funny, but people you aren't related to can take care of you and love you and teach you to trust people again. Families aren't biological.
  • I've learned that no matter how good a friend is, they're going to hurt you every once in a while and you must forgive them for that.
  • I've learned that it isn't always enough to be forgiven by others. Sometimes you are to learn to forgive yourself.
  • I've learned that no matter how bad your heart is broken the world doesn't stop for your grief.
  • I've learned that our background and circumstances may have influenced who we are, but we are responsible for who we become.
  • I've learned that just because two people argue, it doesn't mean they don't love each other And just because they don't argue, it doesn't mean they do.
  • I've learned that we don't have to change friends if we understand that friends change.
  • I've learned that you shouldn't be so eager to find out a secret. It could change your life forever.
  • I've learned that two people can look at the exact same thing and see something totally different.
  • I've learned that no matter how you try to protect your children, they will eventually get hurt and you will hurt in the process.
  • I've learned that your life can be changed in a matter of hours by people who don't even know you.
  • I've learned that even when you think you have no more to give, when a friend cries out to you, you will find the strength to help.
  • I've learned that credentials on the wall do not make you a decent human being.
  • I've learned that the people you care about most in life are taken from you too soon.
  • I've learned that it's hard to determine where to draw the line between being nice and not hurting people's feelings and standing up for what you believe

I lOv3 YOu,MuM!!!

Mother's Love
By Nora M. Mulligan

"Mother," she said, looking down at the older woman who sat in the wheelchair. She ignored the other residents of the nursing home around them. "Mother, I know now. I understand."

The woman looked up and smiled at her. "Sonya, it's always so good to see you," she said.

"Why didn't you tell me what you were doing?" asked Sonya. She dropped into a chair beside the wheelchair, so that she and her mother could be on the same level. "All these years, and you never told me."

"I don't know what you're talking about," said the older woman. "How is your job going? Were you promoted, as you wanted to be?"

"I don't want to talk about my job. I want to talk to you about what you've done to make me successful."

"I didn't do anything. You've done it all. All the education, all the hard work--"

"No!" Sonya stood up again, unable to keep still. "You've been doing it all! When I was in high school and I said I needed help with the higher level math courses, because I couldn't figure any of it out, you said I shouldn't worry."

"You did fine," said her mother.

"Yes! Because you gave me your math ability! After that, you couldn't even balance your checkbook, remember?"

She shrugged. "When people get older, they start to slow down."

"You had a graduate degree in mathematics. You were a brilliant teacher. But after I started doing well in high school math, you lost all your abilities. Tell me it was a coincidence!"

"Darling, you're upset. Probably too much stress."

"No! No! I can't stand taking from you anymore! I never wanted to go to grad school for that MBA. I never had the ambition. But you did. You had more ambition than ten women! Until I needed it, and then--then suddenly I burned with the desire to prove myself and you--you gave up. That's when you started working at the supermarket."

"I wanted a lower stress job."

"I told you I was lonely but I thought I would never find anyone who would want to marry me, and then suddenly Bob turned into the most committed man I could ever imagine, and Dad suddenly lost interest in you and wandered off with that stupid woman across the street."

"Now surely you're not saying I'm responsible for your father's failings, are you?" asked her mother, smiling weakly.

"I'm saying you gave up your own desirability, to give it to me! At tremendous cost to you! But that wasn't all, either, was it?"

"Sonya, you really shouldn't get yourself worked up this way. It can't be good for you."

"And then," Sonya continued, ignoring the older woman, "when I needed that extra energy to do all the work I had to do in my first executive position, suddenly I had the energy I needed, and you could barely drag yourself out of bed in the morning!"

"I just wanted to see you succeed."

"Why?" Sonya dropped down on her knees in front of her mother's wheelchair, clutching her mother's frail hands. "Why did you do all this to yourself? Why? I'm not worth it, Mom! No success I've had in my life is worth what you've done to yourself, for me!"

"Oh," said her mother, stroking Sonya's hair, "you're wrong about that. Everything I did, everything I gave up, was worth it because of you, of what you've made of yourself."

"Mom, Mom, please, I'm begging you, take it back. I don't want my success on these terms! I don't want to see you grow more and more frail, more and more helpless, just so that I can grow stronger and richer and more famous!"

"What's holding you back now?" asked her mother. "Why didn't you get the promotion?"

"I'm not going to tell you! Aren't you listening to me? I don't want you to do more to yourself for me!"

Her mother looked down at her for a few seconds, and then nodded. "Ah, yes, I see. I understand, dear. You're almost there, aren't you? You just need a little more, just a tad more strength, but it's all right. You're going to get it, don't worry."

Sonya raised her head, horrified. "No, Mom! I told you, I don't want it! Don't - whatever you're going to do, don't do it!"

Her mother's head snapped backwards, and her eyes rolled in her head. Sonya, horrified, clutched at her mother's wrist. The pulse was barely discernible. Sonya screamed, and the personnel at the nursing home rushed toward them.

But before they arrived, her mother's eyes opened for a second, and for the last time, Sonya saw the intelligence she always remembered in her mother. "Have a daughter," her mother breathed. "Do it for her."

Tolerate yOu,and protecet..

Bring Up

Tuesday, February 08, 2005

It'S yOuR nEw WoRlD with a hope of sUnshin3! Believe tT you wilL happy4eVeR!!! Live with Your happineSs within! Happy New YeaR,YoUr 2005!!! I LOVE YOU!=]
Move Ahead.
Words Women Use
[ A collection of real meanings of the words ]

True meanings of the words Women use
This is the word women use to end an argument when they feel they are right and you need to shut up. Never use "fine" to describe how a woman looks - This will cause you to have one of those arguments.

This is half an hour. It is equivalent to the five minutes that your football game is going to last before you take out the trash, so it's an even trade.

This means "something," and you should be on your toes. "Nothing" is usually used to describe the feeling a woman has of wanting to turn you inside out, upside down, and backwards. "Nothing" usually signifies an argument that will last "Five Minutes" and end with "Fine"

GO AHEAD (With Raised Eyebrows! )
This is a dare. One that will result in a woman getting upset over "Nothing" and will end with the word "Fine"

GO AHEAD (Normal Eyebrows)
This means "I give up" or "do what you want because I don't care" You will get a "Raised Eyebrow Go Ahead" in just a few minutes, followed by "Nothing" and "Fine" and she will talk to you in about "Five Minutes" when she cools off.

This is not actually a word, but is a non-verbal statement often misunderstood by men. A "Loud Sigh" means she thinks you are an idiot at that moment, and wonders why she is wasting her time standing here and arguing with you over "Nothing"

Again, not a word, but a non-verbal statement. "Soft Sighs" mean that she is content. Your best bet is to not move or breathe, and she will stay content.

This is one of the most dangerous statements that a woman can make to a man. "That's Okay" means that she wants to think long and hard before paying you back for whatever it is that you have done. "That's Okay" is often used with the word "Fine" and in conjunction with a "Raised Eyebrow."

At some point in the near future, you are going to be in some mighty big trouble.

This is not a statement, it is an offer. A woman is giving you the chance to come up with whatever excuse or reason you have for doing whatever it is that you have done. You have a fair chance with the truth, so be careful and you shouldn't get a "That's Okay"

A woman is thanking you. Do not! faint. Just say you're welcome.


This is much different from "Thanks." A woman will say, "Thanks A Lot" when she is really ticked off at you. It signifies that you have offended her in some callous way, and will be followed by the "Loud Sigh." Be careful not to ask what is wrong after the "Loud Sigh," as she will only tell you "Nothing

download a Blogphoto from Picase call HellO. It's just a testing time... i feel as if it still could be fail...hehe... Posted by Hello
Just for today, Lord
I will live through the next 12 hours and not try to tackle all of life's problems at once.
I will improve my mind. I will learn something useful. I will learn something that requires effort, thought, and concentration.
I will be agreeable. I will look my best, speak in well-modulated voice, be courteous and considerate.
I will not find fault with friend, relative or colleague. I will not try to change or improve anyone other than myself.
I will have a program. I might not follow it exactly, but I will have it. I will save myself from two enemies, hurry and indecision.
I will do a good deed and keep it secret. If anyone finds out, it won't count.
I will do two things I don't want to do, just for exercise.
I will believe in myself. I will give my best to the world and feel confident that the world will give its best to me.

Monday, February 07, 2005

We all have bad days, or weeks, or even months. We all feel overwhelmed at times. Things usually get better. Sometimes that's hard to remember when you're down. But stress, depression, and even suicide happen in the lives of people young and old.
Problems get people down. We feel tense, fearful, or angry because things are changing—they seem out of control. It's hard to manage. More than 2,000 Minnesota junior and senior high school students were asked how they handle serious problems in their lives. Can you guess what they said? They either try to handle the problem themselves or talk to their friends. It's important to think about how to help yourself as well as a friend who comes to you.

How People React To Stress & Problems

Failure on a test, a fight with a friend, an argument with a parent, or a put-down by a teacher can be upsetting. Many things that cause problems are beyond our control: parents divorcing, a family moving away, the death of someone close to us, or family financial problems. We all know someone who has broken up with a boyfriend or girlfriend, feared pregnancy, gotten in trouble with the law, or felt utterly deserted and alone.
There are three basic ways of reacting to the problem:
You can get angry - scream, shout, throw things, start a fight, or go on a rampage.
You can withdraw - take a drink, shut up in a room, take a pill, daydream, stop talking to everyone.
You can take charge - think out the problem, try to find a solution, ask for help, or work for change.

Unhealthy Ways To React To Problems

Aggression and anger get attention. Striking out at whomever seems responsible for the problem brings temporary relief. But aggressive actions, like drinking too much, driving recklessly, swearing at people, and breaking up things, can cause trouble in the long run. They don't usually solve the problem.
Withdrawal can also be destructive.
It's normal to react, “Just leave me alone!” But if it goes on for a long time, we are without what we need most—sharing, understanding, and help. Alone with a problem, we feel like no one cares. The depression and anger become worse, and we begin to make bad choices instead of healthy ones.

Healthy Ways To React To Problems

When your stomach churns, your head aches, and fear creeps through your insides, your mind and body are reacting to stress. There are a number of things you can do, such as:
talk to someone you trust
share what is bothering you
listen to music and relax
get some physical exercise
do something that normally gives you pleasure
give yourself a chance to think

These are first-aid actions. They don't solve the problem, but you can blow off some steam. Once that's done, it's a good idea to get in touch with someone you trust and respect. This could be a friend, a friend's parent, a coach, or someone you work with. Go have a good talk; lay out the problem and try to figure out some ways to solve it.

Warning Signs Of Trouble

Be aware of real trouble signs. Any one of these alone, lasting only a short time, is normal. But if you know a friend with several of these problems lasting more than a couple of weeks, they may be nearing a crisis. They need help. The warning signs can include:
avoiding friends, activities, school, social events
totally unable to think of anything but the problem
unexpected outbursts of anger or crying
unable to sleep; always feeling exhausted, irritated
unable to eat; or eating and vomiting
escaping by sleeping or daydreaming all the time
severe behavior change - quiet person becoming wild or active
person becoming withdrawn
excessive use of drugs or alcohol.

Most of us feel quite anxious when making big changes in our lives. We're afraid we'll make a mistake that we'll later regret. I've found that taking small steps towards a decision works to alleviate this unnecessary anxiety. You'll probably find that as you take those small steps the decision becomes clearer, your resolve becomes stronger and the fear begins to lessen. In this way, intuition can guide you, small step by small step.

During times of crisis it often feels like everything is going wrong, but that's seldom true. Staying focused on what makes you feel bad will only worsen a difficult situation. Pay attention to what is working. Perhaps a friend called to cheer you up, or your child got off to school this morning without a major tantrum, or you had a really nice lunch with a colleague. Find those precious slivers of appreciation in each day.

This is not the time to think catastrophic thoughts about your future. Make a conscious attempt to shift the focus from any pessimistic thoughts. Adopt a short-term mindset for now. Try saying things to yourself like, "I know I'll get through this," "What could I do today to make things easier?" "I am open and receptive to new ideas about how to improve my situation," "I've gotten through tough times before," and, "Something good will come of this."

Use a journal to write down — with as much detail as you need — exactly what's causing the anxiety and why. Then, shift your focus to the immediate future. Consider what outcome would best solve your problem and brainstorm five ways to achieve that end.

There are only two things to worry about:
Either you are well or you are sick.

If you are well, then there is nothing to worry about;But if you are sick, there are two things to worry about:Either you will get well, or you will die.

If you get well, there is nothing to worry about;If you die, there are only two things to worry about:Either you will go to Heaven or Hell.

If you go to Heaven, there is nothing to worry about;But if you go to Hell, you'll beso busy shaking hands with friends.You won't have time to worry!!!

Sunday, February 06, 2005


In the beginning, God created earth and rested.
Then God created man and rested.
Then God created woman. Since then, neither God nor man has rested.


If your dog is barking at the back door and your wife is yelling at the front door, who do you let in first? The Dog of least he'll shut up after you let him in!


A man placed some flowers on the grave of his dearly departed mother and started back toward his car when his attention was diverted to another man kneeling at a grave. The man seemed to be praying with profound intensityand kept repeating, "Why did you have to die? Why did you have to die?" The first man approached him and said, "Sir, I don't wish to interfere with your private grief, but this demonstration of pain is more than I've ever seen before. For whom do you mourn so deeply? A child? A parent?" Themourner took a moment to collect himself, then replied, "My wife's first husband."


Married life is very frustrating.In the first year of marriage, the man speaks and the woman listens.In the second year, the woman speaks and the man listens.In the third year, they both speak and the neighbors listen.


A couple came upon a wishing well. The husband leaned over, made a wish and threw in a penny.The wife decided to make a wish,too. But she leaned over too much, fell into the well, and drowned. The husband was stunned for a while but then smiled "It really works!"


A man said his credit card was stolen but he decided not to report it because the thief was spending less than his wife did.


-First Guy (proudly): "My wife's an angel!"
Second Guy: "You're lucky, mine's still alive."


A couple was having a discussion about family finances. Finally the husband exploded, "If it weren't for my money, the house wouldn't be here!" The wife replied, "My dear, if it weren't for your money, I wouldn't be here."


Before marriage, a man yearns for the woman he loves. After marriage, the "y" becomes silent.


A little boy asked his father, "Daddy, how much does it cost to get married?" And the father replied, "I don't know, son, I'm still paying for it."


Women are unpredictable. Before marriage, she expects a man, after marriage she suspects him, and after death she respects him.


There was this guy who told his woman that he loved her so much that he would go thru hell for her. They got married - and now he is going thru hell.


A man inserted an 'ad' in the classifieds : " Wife wanted".Next day, he received a hundred letters. They all said the same thing : "You can have mine."


When a man opens the door of his car for his wife, you can be sure of one thing: either the car is new or the wife is.......


A man received a letter from some kidnappers. The letter said, "If you don't promise to send us $100,000, we promise you we will kidnap your wife."The poor man wrote back, " I am afraid I can't keep my promise but I hope you will keep yours."


"What's the matter, you look depressed."
"I'm having trouble with my wife.""What happened?"
"She said she wasn't going to speak to me for 30 days."
"But that ought to make you happy."
"It did, but today is the last day."

Saturday, February 05, 2005


@: ORANGE You are responsible for your own actions, and you know how to treat people. You always have goals to reach, and are competitive. When it comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them for ever.

XIAOTING: YELLOW You are sweet and innocent. Trusted by many people, and have a strong leadership towards relationships. You make good decision and make the right choice at the right time. And always dreaming of romantic relationship.

JASLINE: SILVER You are imaginative and shy, but you like trying new things. You like to challenge yourself. You learn things easily, and like "Hard to get". Your love life is normally hard and confusing.

XUETING: MAROON You are intelligent, and know what's right. You like to take things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble or not thinking about other people's feelings. But you are patient when it comes to love... Once you get a hold of the right person, it's hard for you to find a better love.

MEICHEN: MAROON You are intelligent, and know what's right. You like to take things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble or not thinking about other people's feelings. But you are patient when it comes to love... Once you get a hold of the right person, it's hard for you to find a better love.

AGARES: MAROON You are intelligent, and know what's right. You like to take things go your way, which can sometimes cause trouble or not thinking about other people's feelings. But you are patient when it comes to love... Once you get a hold of the right person, it's hard for you to find a better love.

(Oh,~ surprise,three of you got same color leh! ic ic...hehe =])

DENISE: WHITE You dream and have goals in your life. You get jealous easily and you don't react to things easily. You are different and sometimes thought highly by others.

JINGRONG: NAVY You are attractive, and love your life. You have a strong feeling towards everything. And very easily distracted. Once you get angry at someone, it's hard for you to forgive them.

ME: BLUE You have low self-esteem, and very picky. You are artistic and like to fall in love, but you let your love pass by, by loving with your mind, not your heart.

BABA: ORANGE You are responsible for your own actions, and you know how to treat people. You always have goals to reach, and are competitive. When it comes to friendship, you find it hard to trust someone, but once you find the right friend, you trust them for ever.

MAMA: LIME You are calm, but easily stressed out. You get jealous easily, and complain over little things. You can't get stuck into one thing, but you have a capable personality for everyone to trust you and like you.

XIAOFENG: GREY You are attractive, and active. You never hide your feelings, and express everything that's inside. But can be selfish at times. You want to be noticed, and don't like to be treated unequally. You can brighten up people's day. You know what to say at the right time, and you have a good sense of humor.

TINGTING: PINK You are always trying your best in everything, and like to help and care for other people. But you are not easily satisfied. You have negative thoughts, and you look for romantic love like in a fairytale.

COUSIN: RED Cute and lovable type, you are picky but always in love ...and liked to be loved. Fresh and cheerful, but can be "moody" at times. Capable with people, nice, soft, and that can love you for the way you are. Likes people that are easy to talk to, and can make you feel comfortable.

QI: PURPLE You are mysterious, never selfish and get interested in things easily. Your day can be sad or happy depending on your mood. You are popular between friends but you can act stupid at times, and forget things easily. You go for person that's trustworthy.


If one day

If one day you feel like crying.
Call me.
I don't promise you that.I will make you laugh
But I can cry with you

If one day you want to run away -
Don't be afraid to call me.
I don't promise to ask you to stop,
But I can run with you.

If one day you don't want to listen to nobody;
Call me and.
I promise to be very quiet
But.If one day you call and there is no answer ...
Come fast to see me ...
Perhaps I need you...

Friday, February 04, 2005

i change back my blogskin to plain..
still like past time...
MisS those days....

Wednesday, February 02, 2005

You Jump .....I Jump.
[ Various version of this famous line. ]

Titanic Version You jump ... I jump

Friend version
I want to jump ... anybody else want to jump ?

Leadership version
I jump ... all of you jump after me

Follower version
We will jump after you jump

Coward version
You jump ... tell me if it is ok ... then I jump

Calculative version
I've already jump last time ... now it is your turn to jump

Commercial version
You should jump because every celebrities and famous people jump

Programmer version
If (you.jump()) then (I.jump())

Complicated version
If you jump then I jump that means if You don't jump I might still jump but if I don't jump means you didn't jump.

Doubtful version
You jump .... are you sure you want to jump ? .... no kidding? ... promise?

Gambler version
We'll throw a coin if it is head I jump ... if it is tail you jump

Tarzan version
(just got to know Jane)"Me Tarzan You Jump"

Forrest gump version
"My name is Jump, Forest Jump"

007 version
My name Bond, Jump s Bond

Arnold's version
You jump...I'll be back
Toughest questions
[ 5 Questions women ask alot ]

Here are answers to 5 of the toughest questions women ask men:
"What are you thinking?"
"Do you love me?"
"Do I look fat?"
"Do you think she is prettier than me?"
"What would you do if I died?"

What makes these questions so bad is that every one is guaranteed to explode into a major argument and/or divorce if the man does not answer properly (which is to say dishonestly).

For example:
"What are you thinking?"
The proper answer to this question, of course is, "I'm sorry if I've been pensive, dear. I was just reflecting on what a warm, wonderful, caring, thoughtful, intelligent, beautiful woman you are and what a lucky guy I am to have met you."
Obviously, this statement bears no resemblance whatsoever to what the guy was really thinking at the time, which was most likely one of five things:
How fat you are
How much prettier she is than you
How he would spend the insurance money if you died According to the Sassy article, the best answer to this stupid question came from Al Bundy, of Married With Children, who was asked it by his wife, Peg. "If I wanted you to know," Al said, "I'd be talking instead of thinking."The other questions also have only one right answer but many wrong answers:

#2 - "Do you love me?"
The correct answer to this question is, "Yes." For those guys who feel the need to be more elaborate, you may answer, "Yes, dear." Wrong answers include:
I suppose so.
Would it make you feel better if I said yes?
That depends on what you mean by "love".
Does it matter?
Who, me?

#3 - "Do I look fat?"
The correct male response to this question is to confidently and emphatically state, "No, of course not" and then quickly leave the room. Wrong answers include:
I wouldn't call you fat, but I wouldn't call you thin either.
Compared to what?
A little extra weight looks good on you.
I've seen fatter.
Only from behind.
Could you repeat the question? I was thinking about your insurance policy.

#4 - "Do you think she's prettier than me?"
The "she" in the question could be an ex-girlfriend, a passer-by you were staring at so hard that you almost caused a traffic accident or an actress in a movie you just saw. In any case, the correct response is, "No, you are much prettier." Wrong answers include:
Not prettier, just pretty in a different way.
I don't know how one goes about rating such things.
Yes, but I bet you have a better personality.
Only in the sense that she's younger and thinner.
Could you repeat the question? I was thinking about your insurance policy.

#5 - "What would you do if I died?"
Correct answer: "Dearest love, in the event of your untimely demise, life would cease to have meaning for me and I would perforce hurl myself under the front tires of the first Domino's Pizza truck that came my way."
This might be the stupidest question of the lot, as is illustrated by the following stupid exchange:"Dear," said the wife. "What would you do if I died?"
"Why, dear, I would be extremely upset," said the husband. "Why do you ask such a question?"
"Would you remarry?" persevered the wife.
"No, of course not, dear" said the husband.
"Don't you like being married?" said the wife.
"Of course I do, dear" he said.
"Then why wouldn't you remarry?"
"Alright..." said the husband, "I'd remarry."
"You would?" said the wife, looking vaguely hurt.
"Yes" said the husband.
"Would you sleep with her in our bed?" said the wife after a long pause.
"Well, yes, I suppose I would." replied the husband.
"I see," said the wife indignantly. "And would you let her wear my old clothes?"
"I suppose, if she wanted to," said the husband.
"Really," said the wife icily. "And would you take down the pictures of me and replace them with pictures of her?"
"Yes. I think that would be the correct thing to do."
"Is that so?" said the wife, leaping to her feet. "And I suppose you'd let her play with my golf clubs, too."
"Of course not, dear," said the husband. "She's left-handed......O...SHIT"
The Blogging Revolution

Weblogs Are To Words What Napster Was To Music

In the beginning - say 1994 - the phenomenon now called blogging was little more than the sometimes nutty, sometimes inspired writing of online diaries. These days, there are tech blogs and sex blogs and drug blogs and onanistic teenage blogs. But there are also news blogs and commentary blogs, sites packed with links and quips and ideas and arguments that only months ago were the near-monopoly of established news outlets. Poised between media, blogs can be as nuanced and well-sourced as traditional journalism, but they have the immediacy of talk radio. Amid it all, this much is clear: The phenomenon is real. Blogging is changing the media world and could, I think, foment a revolution in how journalism functions in our culture.

Blogs do two things that Web magazines like Slate and Salon simply cannot. First off, blogs are personal. Almost all of them are imbued with the temper of their writer. This personal touch is much more in tune with our current sensibility than were the opinionated magazines and newspapers of old. Readers increasingly doubt the authority of The Washington Post or National Review, despite their grand-sounding titles and large staffs. They know that behind the curtain are fallible writers and editors who are no more inherently trustworthy than a lone blogger who has earned a reader's respect.

The second thing blogs do is - to invoke Marx - seize the means of production. It's hard to underestimate what a huge deal this is. For as long as journalism has existed, writers of whatever kind have had one route to readers: They needed an editor and a publisher. Even in the most benign scenario, this process subtly distorts journalism. You find yourself almost unconsciously writing to please a handful of people - the editors looking for a certain kind of story, the publishers seeking to push a particular venture, or the advertisers who influence the editors and owners. Blogging simply bypasses this ancient ritual.

Twenty-one months ago, I rashly decided to set up a Web page myself and used to publish some daily musings to a readership of a few hundred. Sure, I'm lucky to be an established writer in the first place. And I worked hard at the blog for months for free. But the upshot is that I'm now reaching almost a quarter million readers a month and making a profit. That kind of exposure rivals the audiences of traditional news and opinion magazines.
And I have plenty of company. The most obvious example is Glenn Reynolds, a hyperactive law professor who churns out dozens of posts a day and has quickly become a huge presence in opinion journalism. This is democratic journalism at its purest. Eventually, you can envision a world in which most successful writers will use this medium as a form of self-declared independence.

Think about it for a minute. Why not build an online presence with your daily musings and then sell your first book through print-on-demand technology direct from your Web site? Why should established writers go to newspapers and magazines to get an essay published, when they can simply write it themselves, convert it into a .pdf file, and charge a few bucks per download? Just as magazine and newspaper editors are slinking off into the sunset, so too might all the agents and editors and publishers in the book market.

This, at least, is the idea: a publishing revolution more profound than anything since the printing press. Blogger could be to words what Napster was to music - except this time, it'll really work. Check back in a couple of years to see whether this is yet another concept that online reality has had the temerity to destroy.
Live a happier Life

Here's some advises for living a happier life , I got from a friend, it's really worth reading ;)

1. Throw out non-essential numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That is why you pay him/her.
2. Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down. If you really need a grouch, there are probably a few dozen of your relatives to do the job.
3. Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Just never let the brain idle.
4. Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.Laugh so much that you can be tracked in the store by your distinctive laughter.
5. The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves.
6. Surround yourself with what you love, whether it is family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge.
7. Cherish your health. If it is good,preserve it. If it is unstable,improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.
8. Don't take guilt trips. Go to the mall, the next county, a foreign country , but not guilt.
9. Tell the people you love, that you love them, at every opportunity . Remember, Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.
10. Just be yourself and enjoy it.

"According to LaVey, the same reasoning leads us to the conclusion that drugs are bad for indulgence in that they cause an imbalance that, in the long term, reduces the pleasures of normal experience"
From "Satan represents indulgence instead of abstinence!" part of my essay on Satanic doctrine and legalism.

"I cannot say that alcohol and drugs are always bad, nor could I say that alcohol users and drug users are bad people. I would be a hypocrite to do so. But, I believe in severe moderation and limitation of the uses of alcohol, partying drugs, pain killers and general medications, psychedelics and complete abstinence from cigarettes! If you act antisocially when drunk, you simply should not drink. Abstinence from these can be indulgent in life, as you become stronger, mentally stronger and capable of socializing without these chemical supports when you go without them. They should be used when required, mostly, and not as a source of gratification, pacification or pleasure."

Self Worth
[ Don't try to be what you are not. Be yourself. ]
Do not undermine your worth
By comparing yourself with others.
It is because we are differentThat each of us is special.

Do not set your goals
By what other people deem important.
Only you know what is best for you.

Do not take for granted
The things closest to your heart.Cling to them as you would your life.
For without them, life is meaningless.

Do not let your life slip through your fingers
By living in the past nor for the future.
By living your life one day at a time,You live all the days of your life.

Do not give up
When you still have something to give.N
othing is really over
Until the moment you stop trying.It is a fragile thread
That binds us to each other.

Do not be afraid to encounter risks.
It is by taking chances
That we learn to be brave.

Do not shut love out of your life
By saying it is impossible to find.
The quickest way to receive love is to give love;
The fastest way to lose love is to hold it too tightly.
In addition,The best way to keep love is to give it wings.

Do not dismiss your dreams.
To be without dreams is to be without hope,To be without hope is to be without purpose.

Do not run through life
So fast that you forget not only where you have been
But also where you are going.
Life is not a race but a journey
To be savored each step of the way.
So smile.... and let the sun shine through.For there's someone,somewhere, watching over you.