Monday, January 31, 2005

I'm going to live my life.
Like every day's my last
Without a simple good-bye
It all goes by so fast

And now that you're gone
I can't cry hard enough
No I can't cry hard enough
For you to hear me now

I'm going to open my eyes
And see for the first time I've let go of you
likeA child letting go of his kite
There it goes up in the sky
There it goes beyond the clouds
For no reason whyI can't cry hard enough
No I can't cry hard enough
For you to hear me now
I'm going to look back in vain
And see you standing there
When all that remainsIs just an empty chair
LoveNote. . . If we really want to love, we must learn how to forgive. - Mother Theresa

Forgiveness works! It is often difficult, AND it works!
We often think of forgiveness as something that someone who has done us wrong must ask of US. There is always another way of looking at something. My thoughts on forgiveness suggest that you focus on offering forgiveness TO the person who has wronged you. To not forgive them is like taking the poison (continuing to suffer for what they did or didn't do to you) and expecting THEM to die!
Alexander Pope once said, "To err is human; to forgive, Divine." Believe it!
Forgiveness is a gift you give to yourself. It is not something you do FOR someone else. It is not complicated. It is simple. Simply identify the situation to be forgiven and ask yourself: "Am I willing to waste my energy further on this matter?" If the answer is "No," then that's it! All is forgiven.
Forgiveness is an act of the imagination. It dares you to imagine a better future, one that is based on the blessed possibility that your hurt will not be the final word on the matter. It challenges you to give up your destructive thoughts about the situation and to believe in the possibility of a better future. It builds confidence that you can survive the pain and grow from it.
Telling someone is a bonus! It is not necessary for forgiveness to begin the process that heals the hurt. Forgiveness has little or nothing to do with another person because forgiveness is an internal matter.
Choice is always present in forgiveness. You do not have to forgive AND there are consequences. Refusing to forgive by holding on to the anger, resentment and a sense of betrayal can make your own life miserable. A vindictive mind-set creates bitterness and lets the betrayer claim one more victim.
There is nothing so bad that cannot be forgiven. Nothing!
Some will argue that in the case of child abuse, the Holocaust, Saddam Hussain, etc, the abuser has no "right" to forgiveness -- such blessings can only be earned -- that forgiveness only leads to further victimization. Such acts are heinous and dispicable and with time (and in many cases, therapy) they can be forgiven. Every day you may have to forgive again.
I believe that to withhold forgiveness is to choose to continue to remain the victim. Remember, you always have choice.
When you forgive you do it for you, not for the other. The person you have never forgiven. . . owns you! How about an affair? Just because you choose to forgive, does not mean you have to stay in the relationship. That is only and always your choice. The choice to forgive is only and always yours.
When you feel that forgiveness is necessary, do not forgive for "their" sake. Do it for yourself! It would be great if they would come to you and ask forgiveness but you must accept the fact that some people will never do that. That is their choice. They do not NEED to be forgiven. They did what they did and that is it - except for the consequences, which THEY must live with.
The hurts won't heal until you forgive! Recovery from wrongdoing that produces genuine forgiveness takes time. For some, it may take years. Don't rush it. It helps to focus your energy on the healing, not the hurt!

HEALTHY love relationships are not possible without forgiveness! You cannot have a loving and rewarding relationship with anyone else, much less yourself, if you continue to hold on to things that happened in the past. Regardless of the situation, making peace with past love partners, your parents, children, your boss or anyone who you think may have "done you wrong" is the only way to improve your chances of a "healthy" relationship with yourself or anyone else for that matter!
It is not possible to truly be present and available to a new relationship until you heal the hurt and upsets of the past.
Forgiving someone else is to agree within yourself to overlook the wrong they have committed against you and to move on with your life. It's the only way. It means cutting them some slack.
"What?" you say! "Cut them some slack after what THEY did to me? Never!" Let go! Move on!
Non-forgiveness keeps you in the struggle. Being willing to forgive can bring a sense of peace and well-being. It lifts anxiety and delivers you from depression. It can enhance your self-esteem and give you hope.

LoveNote. . . The things that two people in love do to each other they remember. And if they stay together, it is not because they forget, it is because they forgive. - From the movie, Indecent ProposalForgive and forget is a myth. You may never forget AND you can choose to forgive. As life goes on and you remember, then is the time to once again remember that you have already forgiven. Mentally forgive again if necessary, then move forward. When we allow it, time can dull the vividness of the memory of the hurt; the memory will fade.
Forgiveness is a creative act that changes us from prisoners of the past to liberated people at peace with our memories. It is not forgetfulness, but it involves accepting the promise that the future can be more than dwelling on memories of past injury.
There is no future in the past. You can never live in the present and create a new and exciting future for yourself and your love partner if you always stay stuck in the past.
If you are at war with others you cannot be at peace with yourself. You CAN let go. . . and forgive! It takes no strength to let go. . . only courage. Life either expands or contracts in direct proportion to your courage to forgive. Your choice to forgive or not to forgive either moves you closer to what you desire or further away from it. There is no middle ground. Change is constant.

Want peace of mind? Forgive. The same energy you use to hold on (to not forgive), is the same energy you need to create a new and exciting relationship TOGETHER; a relationship anchored in unconditional love.
Forgiveness helps you move forward. No one benefits from forgiveness more than the one who forgives!

Give yourself the gift of forgiveness. The very word forgiveness is built on the root word give. Forgiveness releases your partner from your criticism and also releases you from being imprisoned by your own negative judgments. It is not surrender, but a conscious decision to cease to harbor resentment. In affect, it takes the poison our of your body. It cleanses your system of the poison that will surely fester and cause illness and continued misery if not released. You cannot take the poison and expect someone else to die. They will go on with their life and you will be the only one to continue to suffer.

Forgiveness is the key to your own happiness. Forgiving someone else takes moral courage. It ends the illusion of separation, and its power can change misery into happiness in an instant. Forgiveness means choosing to let go, move on, and favor the positive.
Forgiveness is a form of love within the context of a personal crisis. To forgive is, in a sense, to love one's enemy. When forgiveness is given because you think you should, it no longer is forgiveness but an act of self- interest.
The act of forgiveness constitutes a mental bath, letting go of something that can only poison us within.

Robert Enright, a developmental psychologist at the University of Wisconsin defines forgiveness as "giving up the resentment to which you are entitled and offering to the person who hurt you friendlier attitudes to which they are not entitled."
Mona Gustafson Affinito says, "Forgiveness means deciding not to punish a perceived injustice, taking action on that decision, and experiencing the emotional relief that follows."
Research has shown that people who are deeply and unjustly hurt by others can heal emotionally and, in some cases, physically by forgiving their offender.
Forgiveness breaks the cycle of hatred, resentment, anger and pain that is often passed on to those around you.

Forgiveness. What it's for? It creates the freedom to create a new future beginning now!

Saturday, January 29, 2005

Who are those passerbys in YouR Life?

Who is the one you Cherish the most?

Who is the One you Miss the most?

Who was your closest friend who you lost content fOr mOnth or yr?

Who was the one you Cherished the Most?

Who was the One you Missed sO during tt period of time?

Who hurted you badly,for good?

Who was the one you hated to death but now u find you forgive tt history of tt one already?

How many friends you cherish with all ur heart in ur life?

How many times you say 'I LOVE YOU' in serious?

How many times you want to give Up everything around u?


Did you cry for friend once?

Thursday, January 27, 2005

  • True happiness is not attained through self-gratification, but through fidelity to a worthy purpose.
  • You will never be happier than you expect. To change your happiness, change your expectation.
  • Hope is itself a species of happiness, and, perhaps, the chief happiness which this world affords.
  • Happiness is man's greatest aim in life. Tranquility and rationality are the cornerstones of happiness.
  • Happiness depends upon achievement of personally significant goals and leading a balanced life.
  • "Happiness is the ultimate realization that everything was, and is, exactly as it should be."
  • Realize that true happiness lies within you. Waste no time and effort searching for peace and contentment and joy in the world outside. Remember that there is no happiness in having or in getting, but only in giving. Reach out. Share. Smile. Hug. Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.
  • Happiness is contagious...when you reflect happiness, then all others around you catch the happy bug and are happy, too.
  • Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.
  • Happiness is an inner state of well being. A state of well being enables you to profit from your highest: thoughts, wisdom, intelligence, common sense, emotions, health, and spiritual values in your life.
  • Sometimes your joy is the source of your smile, but sometimes your smile can be the source of your joy.
  • A happy person is not a person in a certain set of circumstances, but rather a person with a certain set of attitudes.
  • Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.
  • There is a French proverb: To live happy, live hidden. Where can Brigitte Bardot hide?
  • Money can't buy you happiness, but it does bring you a more pleasant form of misery.
  • Happiness ain't a thing in itself--it's only a contrast with something that ain't pleasant.
  • Shared joy is a double joy; shared sorrow is half sorrow.
  • Happiness is the only sanction of life; where happiness fails, existence remains a mad and lamentable experiment.
  • I give thanks for the joy and happiness in life and trust that God does indeed want me to be happy.
    Happiness comes only from appreciating what you have right now. You can even be happy by appreciating your troubles because they are helping to build your character.
  • It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.
  • Happiness is mostly a by-product of doing what makes us feel fulfilled.
  • Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, And the life of the candle will not be shortened. Happiness never decreases by being shared. This happy thought by Buddha
    Happiness is the only good. The time to be happy is now. The place to be happy is here. The way to be happy is to make others so.
  • Life can be divided into the horrible and miserable.This not-so-happy thought by Woody Allen in Annie Hall
  • There is work that is work and there is play that is play; there is play that is work and work that is play. And in only one of these lie happiness.
  • There is no cosmetic for beauty like happiness. This happy thought by the Countess of Blessington
    Happiness is not merely a life lived by accumulating moments of pleasure. On the contrary, happiness is a long lasting enduring enjoyment of life, it is being in love with living. It is your reward for achieving a good character and personal rational values in life. Some important values are a productive career, romance, friendship and hobbies.
  • By all means marry: If you get a good wife, you'll become happy; if you get a bad one, you'll become a philosopher.This definition of happiness by Socrates.
    Happiness is not in having or being—it is in the doing.
  • Happiness is living in a state of freely choosing to create and exchange one's rational values with others.
  • But what is happiness except the simple harmony between a man and the life he leads.
  • The greatest part of our happiness depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances.
  • Happiness is a thing to be practiced, like the violin.
  • Happiness... is not a destination: it is a manner of traveling. Happiness is not an end in itself. It is a by-product of working, playing, loving and living.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005

How is your self esteem?

  • The key to healthy self esteem is becoming aware of our personal strengths and accepting ourselves as worthy persons despite any real weaknesses we have.
  • This also means learning that low self esteem is partly self imposed regardless of original causes - we maintain our own low self esteem by misperceiving our basic worth relative to others.
  • This is because the more we criticize ourselves the worse we feel.
    Finding fault with everything around us is no more helpful except in providing a bit of immediate relief.
  • The good news is that we can change how we view ourselves - without changing our basic personalities.
  • We can also spend more time doing useful things and less time sitting around thinking about ourselves. This builds self esteem.
  • Talking to other people helps us see that we are not the only ones with problems. This means focusing on them, not dwelling on ourselves, a good diversion.
    Everyone has something they don't like about themselves or feels bad about no matter how hard it may be to see it in them.
  • So, there is nothing unique about us in this regard, hence we have every right to be as happy as anyone else.
  • Helping others and being a good listener is one way to develop a sense of being good at something and a greater sense of self worth.
  • Listening and being nice to others is one of the easiest things to change about ourselves, something everyone can do and it is one of the best ways of starting to feel better about ourselves.
  • The key point is to do things that get in the way of dwelling on ourselves - being busy gets us out of ourselves, especially if what we are doing gives us a sense of achievement.
Boost self-esteem tip #1: Think back to when you did something new for the first time. This free self esteem test is extremely quick and simple, just answer TRUE or FALSE to each question (if you cannot answer 100% TRUE then answer FALSE):
1. Other people are not better off or more fortunate than me
2. I accept myself as I am and am happy with myself
3. I enjoy socializing
4. I deserve love and respect
5. I feel valued and needed
6. I don't need others to tell me I have done a good job
7. Being myself is important
8. I make friends easily
9. I can accept criticism without feeling put down
10. I admit my mistakes openly
11. I never hide my true feelings
12. I always speak up for myself and put my views across
13. I am a happy, carefree person
14. I don't worry what others think of my views
15. I don't need others' approval to feel good
16. I don't feel guilty about doing or saying what I want

SELF-ESTEEM TEST RESULTS:Total number of TRUE answers you gave


Tuesday, January 25, 2005

A girl asked a guy if he thought she was pretty,he said...NO.
She asked him if he would want to be with her forever....and he said no.
She asked him if he liked her ....he said no
She then asked him if she were to leave would he cry,and once again he replied with a no.
She had heard enough.
As she walked away, tears streaming down her face, the boy grabbed her arm and said....
You're not pretty, you're beautiful.
I dont want to be with you forever I NEED to be with you forever
And I wouldn't cry if you walked away...I'd die..

bUt it's niCe!
i think i surely choose 2 believe whateveR he said
if i love him with my heart.
IF when there is such a day realLy happen like this...
zAi shuO ba....

The Truth About Girls
1. When a girl says she's sad, but she isn't crying, it means she's crying in her heart.
2. When she ignores you after you've done something wrong, it's best to give her some time to cool down before touching her heart with anapology.
3. A girl can't find anything to hate about the guy she loves (which is why it is so hard for her to 'get over him' after the relationship's over.)
4. If a girl loves a guy, he will always be on her mind every minute of the day, even though she flirts with other guys.
5.When the guy she likes smiles and stares deep into her eyes, she will melt.
6. A girl likes to hear compliments, but usually is not sure how to react to them.
7. When a particular guy flirts with a girl veryoften, a girl would start thinking the guy likes her. So if you treat a girl just as a friend, go easy on the smiles and stare 'okie?
8. If you don't like a girl who likes you, break it to her gently.
9. If a girl starts avoiding you after you reject her, leave her alone for a while. If you still treat her as a friend, talk to her.
10. Girls enjoy talking about what they feel.Music, poetry, drawings and writing are ways of expressing themselves (which explains why most girls like writing journals).
11. Never tell a girl that she is useless in anyway.
12. Being too serious can turn a girl off.
13. When the guy she likes calls her for the first time, the girl may act uninterested during the call. But as soon as the phone is back on the hook, she will whoop with joy and immediately start telephoning her friends to spread the news.
14. A smile means a lot to a girl.
15. If you like a girl, try making friends with her first. Let her get to know you.
16. If a girl says she can't go out with you because she has to study, leave.
17. But if she still calls you or expect a call from you, stay.
18. Don't try to guess a girl's feelings. Ask her.
19. Hearing the words "I love you" is a great reassurance to a girl that she is needed.
20. After a girl falls in love with a guy, she'll wonder why she never noticed him before.
21. If you need tips on how to flirt with a girl,read romance stories .
22. When class pictures come out, a girl would first look at the girl next to her crush before actually looking at herself.
23. A girl's ex-crush will always be in her memory, but the guy she loves now stays in her heart. 24. Girls love having fun!
25. A simple 'Hi' can brighten a girl's day.
26. A girl's best friends usually know best what she is feeling and going through
27. Girls hate it when a guy pays attention to them just to get close to their 'prettier' friend.
28. Love means devotion, caring and happiness to a girl, in that order.
29. Some girls care about looks, some care about brains, but ALL girls want a guy who will love and care for them.
30. Girls want nothing more than to feel love

Monday, January 24, 2005

1.what made you happy this week ? Happy itself
2.what made you sad this week? im unhappy anymore..
3.are you contented with your life? Yeah...Half....
4.has someone/somebody make u happy lately? lastly means when?
5.what do you plan to do to him/her? show im v happy now..haha are you feeling at the moment? tired & confuse
7.what/who made you feel that way? she,he,them...hehe...and myself...
8.are you the type of person who easily gets hurt? haha...dunO...depend On who hurt me...
9. do you cry? won't shOw U!!!
10.have you ever been to a point in your life that you can say you got lost? alot.=p
11. the last movie you watched? Once upOn a time,i watched a Movie called sth i forgot name one...
12. with who n when?friends on when? friends
13. the last song you heard? 'Bu xiang shui'
14. the last thing you bought? total effect
15. the last place you went? Wason
16. the last food you ate ? Salad
17. the last thing you heard from your parents? "girl, what u learn abt today?" do u believe??OH,my!!haha
18. the last thing you said to your parents? "i learnt what teachers have to teach lo"
19. the last thing you said to one of yourfriends? bye
20. the last thing you read? comic
21. the last person you called? @
22. the last person who called you? papa
23. the last person you texted? u
24. the last person who texted you? mama
25. the last person who said you're handsome/pretty? eh....ehm.....emh.....
26. the last person who gave you a testimonial? Denise
27. the last person who messaged you? Jasline
28. the last person you're with? Janice
29. the last person you kissed goodnyt? i kiss AIR
30. the last person you kissed goodbye? eh... *pui
31. the last person you think of before goin to sleep? you
32. the last thing to do before goin to sleep?go toilet

Sunday, January 16, 2005

NO what IF,



Saturday, January 15, 2005

i cancel my handphone number.
nO longer use it...
sO don't waste Ur money to sms...=]

Friday, January 14, 2005

*Guys should ALWAYS send the girl home.. Most of all GF...
*Guys should NEVER make a Girl WAIT...
*Guys should NEVER make empty promises.. The girl will NEVER forget that u NEVER keep ur promise....
*Guys should be MORE sensitive to a girl's feelings..
*Guys should NEVER neglect their GF just becoz of their buddies..
*Guys should ALWAYS BE THERE for their GF..
*Guys should NEVER LIE.. coz the Girls r SMART these days..
*Guys should ALWAYS be the BEST in everything...So that the Girl can learn from u.. Yet DUN be TOO Arrogant...
*Guys should be MORE Patient and Understanding when its the "time of the MOnth" for the Girls.. They tend to haf MOOD SwIngs...
*Guys should learn how to SHOW more AFFECTION to their Love ones..
*Guys should ALWAYS take the FIRST STep..
*Guys should MAKE DECISIONS... Not say " dunno lar.. or anithing larz.." Girls like guys who can make decisions.. whether is where to eat or go or do.. Bleahz~~
*Guys should Try to send their GF home from sch or work if they haf the time despite the distance.. Besides SG isn't very big.. *Guys should learn NOT to be toooo Messy... in the things they do..
*Guys should learn to call and sms their GF ani time of the day/nite.. Basically give their GF the sense of SECURITY.. tts wat girls want from most of their BF...
*Guys should try to let their GF know where and wat their doing all the time.. SO should their Girl..
*Guys should NEVER Flirt around too Much.. SG is too small...Everyone would know that ya a JErk.. Girls can gossip quite alot..
*Guys should learn to be more Passionate..
*Guys DO CRY.. they haf feelings too.. But dun CRY to Often...Coz its NOT very manly.. Besides ya be known as a WIMP.. *Guys should KNOW their GF likes and dislikes..
*Guys should know their GF contact NumberSSss by Heart...
*Guys should never give excuses like ` - SOrry I fell asleep.. ` - Sorry I was caught in a jam.. ` - Sorry my hp went Low.. ` - Opps.. I didn't know that.. ` - Oh i forgot...
*Guys should Never use phrases like - ya not angry r u? (when its OBVIOUSLY she is..) - I dun like it.. ( when u haven't even try ) - I dun like them ( when u haven't even met them )
*Guys should always TRY new things and learn to adapt..
*Guys should ALWAYS make a good impression on the Girl's Parents..
*Guys should be DARING to meet ani of their GF's friends, relatives.. blah blah...
*Guys should never make their GF to beg for them to do this or that..
*Guy should Learn to behave themselves at times..
*Guys should Never force their GF to do anithing they dun want..
*Guys should always FEEL like a girl when guys r wif their GF.. Girls like guys who can be their bestfriend too.. Understanding.. etc..
*Guys should always talk to their GF about their made-decisions.. and ask how to feel about it..
*Guys should NEVER always expect a GIRL to tell them WAT THEY DID WRONG.. when EVERYTHING was WRONG...
*Guys should NEVER be Ignorant!
*Guys should nv play his hf feelings as she really love u.
*Guys. when ur gf say i love u truly. they reali mean it..

开始变的神经兮兮一分钟拿 3 次手机看有没有他的短信,


Thursday, January 13, 2005

know Eslyn,Shimei,Huixuan,Janice,Bernadette,Xiang Lin,Charmain,,Jia Xin,Joanne,PeiRong,Atikah,Nurul and Farhana these days....they're cute and friendly lol...some of us spent 3 hours chatting with each other during should be nice moment,isn't it?? squarrl,no fight,nO slience between us... got laughter almost whole hours...this situation is much better than i deep inside i just can heard my voice shouted to myself,go home, just go home..... i just want go home or walk around on the street alone....every morning reach sch i just start waiting for go home....
......... mad liao...
i MisS U...

Wednesday, January 12, 2005

start lesson at 8.30am...
end at 9.35am that should be end at 10am....because Ms Low said today her lesson finished already..
recesS got 3 hOurs....go out of school pass lunch time....den back to sch liberary sleep till 1pm....look for Lab3.....afternoOn lesson just start...
dismiss earlie r 15mins'cOz Ms Zhou said nO more things to teach today and we either stay and play internet or go we want.....
it's my day.
siaO one....
except Lousy,still lousy.....

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

HaPpY BiRtHdAy To My DeArESt AnD lOvEsT FrIeNd,kArEn LiN!!!
MuSt sTaY HaPpY eVeRyDaY yA!!!
im sorry to hear you're sick these days...hOw come?? eat too much le ma??hahaha.....fLu?? hai~~~remember take care of U,or i call HIM take a care of U lo?!!..hehe...take care yourself. drink more water!!! *i LoVe YoU*(^^,)*++

Monday, January 10, 2005

by Karyn White

Early in the morning I put breakfast at your table
And make sure that your coffee has its sugar and cream
Your eggs are over easy, your toast done lightly
All that's missing is your morning kiss
That used to greet me.
Now you say the juice is sour
It used to be so sweet
And I can't help but to wonder
If you're talking about me.
We don't talk the way we used to talk
It's hurting so deep
I've got my pride
I will not cry
But it's making me weak.
I'm not your Superwoman
I'm not the kind of girl that you can let down
And think that everything's okay
Boy, I am only human
This girl needs more than occasional hugs
As a token of love from you to me.
Ooh, baby...
I fought my way through the rush hour
Trying to make it home just for you
I want to make sure that your dinner will be waiting for you
But when you get there you just tell me
You're not hungry at all
You said you'd rather read the paper
And you don't want to talk
You'd like to think I'm just crazy
When I say that you've changed
I'm convinced I know the problem
You don't love me the same
You're just going through the motions
And you're not being fair
I've got my pride
I will not cry
Still I can't help but care.
Ooh baby, look into the corners of your mind
I'll always be there for you
Through good and bad times
But I can't be that Superwoman that you want me to be
I'll give my love, oh lasting love
If you'll return love to me
Ah ha, If you feel it in your heart
And you understand me
Stop right where you are
Everybody sing along with me!
Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh!
Ooh, ooh, ooh, oooooooooooooh!
I'm the kind of girl that can treat you so sweet
But you've got to realize that you've got to be sweeter to me, yeah
I need love
I need just your love

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Know something from MChen there....feel i'm lousy...don't know anything bt still like stay happy always in my Own world,while outside everything around me has gt changed ... cOin has two sides...sO,cheer Up!!!things maybe not like that what we thought Of....
Just be'cOz someone doesn't like you the way you want them tO doesn't mean the one don't love you with!!!
stand in their standpoint to discuss....maybe it will make us feel better...
ren yi shi feng qing lang jing,tui yi bu hai kuo tian kong!!!
Everything wilL be okay!!
Time will recovery misunderstand between U.
wait fOr them!
JusT wait....
if u realLy care them...
cheRish what WE Used to cheriSh...
i know it's easy to talk,very hard to do....but...try pLs...try your best!fOr yourself,for me,for aLl OF US!
Sometimes We get angry at someOne,because we know they are Very important tO us,and we mind too much sO we will be disappointed.alright??
That's alL.
It's nOrmaL.
Don't say giVe Up On anything,anyone around you!
b3St wiSheS!!! =]

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

haha,Oh,my,haha,they called back to me just now and told me that Multimedia Technology one no need to receive letter!!!..if recieved,bring it to school;if never recieved,just come to pay fee with cash and card can le......scare me to nervous!!..hehe....thanks!!!..oh,i repeat this word...haha.nvm la....i really don't know what can i express except thank you

EnJoY Ur sChOol lIfE,My friends!!! i wOn't loCk myself in my own world again!! i'll go 2 make nEw ppl and bring them to show U!,don't worry abt me,ok? Take a care Of yoU!!! alL Of U have come into My life and become a part of mE,it's won't be forgot.fOreveR. h3h3

i had only spent a year with U.
A Year. But U changed my life in a way
A way that no one could ever explain.
Thank yOu!!
thAnk You!!!!
thank yOU!!!!!

Tuesday, January 04, 2005

To @:
There are toO much thankfUl store in my heaRt to tell u! Maybe you think it's nothing to help a friend,but actualLy,in fact,i bet not every one would willing to waste their precious time to help a friend even if they're free...there are many suitable reason can say when u don't mind this matter,after alL...i cant force anyone..coz i knOw it's an nOt eaSy thing to spare alot of tims and waste the vigOr of the mind to help other people's businesS,even is friend ! except U,every1 is busy!! Only you!onli you go find a book immedately and come to help me without a thinking...Oh,SORRY,they are nO wrong at alL!! they are busy to perpare their sch's noRmaL.i can understand!...jUst want to tElL u:ThAnK yOu!!!tHaNk YoU fOr Ur PaTiEnCe On Me!!!ThAnK U fOr YoUr atTeNtIvE aLl ThE tImE!!! tHaNkSSSS 2 YOU with the wHoLe HeArT!!! feeL warm tO bOne...+*lOvE yA tO cOrE*++....nO matter what happeN,i won't giVe uP yOu aLwayS!!! I'lL always B3 there for you!! Only for you!!! I Promise!
@ is MY bOsom friend, who get in touch with others with calm attitude.
v hard to talk something with her at the first time when i know her cOz she used to act cOoL and im quiet.....sO honestly i disliked her and she dislike me as welL....that means we dislike each other for long time....she always v obviously walked away from my side and avoided me... But there is one day,that moment she made me feel im safe and sound,only she can made me relax...(this story too long,i really don't know how 2 translate le..haha)...from tt day,i changed my view of her.... i start believe whatever she say....and yes,she doES!!!
You are both pure and friendly, and have the atmosphere of motherly tenderness.
Your character seem flexible and gentle, but you are actually someone who has their own opinion, and do not like to lose.
You are not scared of things.
You can steadily lead life to accomplish your goal.
You have the big sister sort of character.People around you may push you to become their leader, but your sense of organizing people and action is not that strong.
You are confident, and can put to action with perseverance and guts.
You are dedicated to many things.
You can carry out things calmly and steadily at your own pace.
You don't worry about things so much, and possess the talent to combine many factors together to create a new thing.
You are well balanced person.Nevertheless, you possess feminine atmosphere and are dependent person.
You lack self-support, and therefore you will be good at working in the back-ground.
Men are attracted to your mysterious atmosphere, but you tend to be very careful, and not fall in love too easily.(trust me,that's tRue!!)
You are weak on favors, and can not turn them down.
You are 2 be reluctant to part from past!...that's why i cherish you sO much and love you sUch DEEP

Monday, January 03, 2005


morning feeL nervous....and then,@ sms me at 06.53am,today is she first day of secondary schoOl,the time i haven't wake up...haha....said wOrk haRd.haha.I wilL.and yOu tOo!!take caRe yA! +*(^^,)++
Jas this gAl,sMs me alsO... hai~~welL,i don't want to say out y because she will kiLl me..haha..
yoUnger Uncle calL us around 10.30am cOz today he nO work and he thought my parents same got free...very surprise to hear his voice again fOr long time ...happy sia...seems become deeper and oLder liao....=p....haha..but he stilL something sO humoR!!!.haha...

Sunday, January 02, 2005

Just because someone doesn't love you the way you want them to doesn't mean that they don't love you with all they have??
ya,that's sO gOoD if sth realLy like that...
can Just remind love as deep as i used tO...
that's easy betteR...
nO need to waste time 2 gO feeL too much Rubbish!
greeting msgs recived from:
Xueting 2(18.33.09)
Denise 1(19.00.35)
Li XiaoFeng 1(22.50.28)
Hou YuTing 3 (19.26.38),(22.57.22),(00.20.39){1-1-2005}
Ye Qi 1(23.22.01)
Jasline 1(00.04.28)

Lu Yan 1
Uncle 2
Xueting 1
Denise 1 {2-1-2005}

Thank yOu sO mUch tO aLl of U!!..=]...this time i surely think through clearLy....It's true that yOu would gt 2 know whO care about U or think of YOU or anything wholefully when you're alone at waiting-4-new-year night.... ..haha...thanks gOd!... hapPy nEw yEaR!!!
@:after schoOl i go meet U on 11.Jan.2005.em...mayB3....i am nOt sUre what time tt lesson end....haha.....if neveR see me at sch gate tt day,you go first loL..haha.... goOd lUck!!!